Written by 布里安娜 布里安娜從中學就愛逛ikxx¸¸ 簡直到了進去就至少兩小時的光陰在裡面磋跎,欣賞,躺沙發,調燈光,自拍(這是長大後),逛那不可思議的15坪到20坪的裡面竟然有客廳,廚房,餐廳,主臥,衛浴,以及美崙美奐的軟件擺飾和各式各樣的床頭櫃,邊櫃,倉庫架,洗衣夾,籃,辦公室文件,天阿這就是我的天堂阿!!!!! 有一次看了BBC所拍的室內設計節目,這才發現,我竟然愛的是室內設計學! 也開始了解,ikxx 擺的只是個感覺,有些並不符合室內設計的人體工學(ergonomics) 工程的基本尺寸,後來因緣際會,碰觸了室內設計與家具業,也開始認真的開始學習這長久以來的興趣。今天就是要介紹設計業的英文語彙,並幫助你看懂平面配置圖(買新房子,代銷會給你的)(或者新裝潢時,圖上的文字說明)。 基本室內設計語彙 ●室內空間Interior space ●樓層平面圖:floor layout/ plan ●平面配置圖 : site layout/ plan ●動線: flow ●造型: form ●室外: exterior ●尺寸: dimension ●電器:electric ●防火: fire proof ●五金: hardware ●天花板: ceiling ●踢腳板: skirting board/ scrubboard ●百葉窗: shutter ●空調: A/C ●開關: switch ●隔間: partition ●車庫: garage ●地下室: basement ●樓梯: stairs 家居的有關辭彙 ●窗簾: drape (垂墜式), curtain ●崁入式衣櫃: built-in closet ●家具: furniture ●冰箱: refrigerator/ Ref ●視聽室: audio-visual room ●中島廚房: island kitchen ●更衣室: dressing room ●頂樓 樓中樓: loft ●休息室(客廳): lounge room ●陽台: balcony ●主臥室: master room 建築的有關辭彙 ●柱: pillar/ column ●樑: beam ●剖面: section ●透視: perspective ●構想:概念: concept ●庭院: court ●通風口: ventilation ●垂直: vertical ●地平線 ground line/ GL ●水平: horizon 情境對話 Conversation Between an Interior Designer and a Client ID: So this is the concept of my design, I will transform your interior space into industrial style and add many masculine elements into this project. So what do you think? C: Ah….. this is quite similar to my vision of my future house. Lots of metal materials are coated with black paint. I also like the raw wood pattern on the wall finish. ID: Here's the layout that I design for you. I changed the direction of your entrance gate so the flow will add more usable space and you can have easy access to any space in your house. I punch out the concrete wall between the living room and the kitchen so the open kitchen you want is right behind your dining room. C: So when I cook, I can also enjoy my time talking to my guests. This is a great design. I don't cook in Chinese style. I only cook Western style without much oil. ID: and when you cook, you can also do the laundry on the balcony next to the kitchen. It makes it easier for you to do house chores. C: Thanks for the great design. We can't wait to see our future home in 3 months. 設計師與客戶的對話 ID: 這是我的設計概念,我會把你家空間變為工業風並加入很多陽剛性元素,你覺得呢? C: 阿…這和我所想像的未來的家相去不遠。很多金屬元件用黑色漆度上。也很喜歡牆上的原木表面設計。 ID: 這是我幫你規劃的平面設計圖。我幫你改了入口的方向所以動線較好,可用空間更多,而且你也可以容易到家裡的任何空間。我打掉這裡的水泥牆所以你要的開放式廚房就會直接在你的飯廳後面。 C: 所以當我下廚時,我就可以同時和我的客人邊聊天。這樣設計很棒阿。我不太會煮中式,我只會煮西式不加太多油。 ID: 當你在煮飯時,你也可以在旁邊的陽台同時洗衣服。這樣會讓你很容易做家事。 C: 感謝你的設計,我們等不及要在3個月內看到我們未來的家了!!