

你知道自己就讀的大學科系英文怎麼說嗎?向外國朋友介紹自己讀的科系時,總是難以正確傳達給對方。尤其現在大專院校科系多元複雜,除了指標性的科系,例如:管理系(Department of Management)、醫學系(Department of Medicine)、電機系(Department of Electrical Engineering)…等之外,很多人都不知道自己科系英文名稱是什麼,較冷門的科系英文名稱在網路上還找不到呢!現在就來認識大家一定要知道的科系英文名稱,讓你在撰寫自傳、自我介紹和工作面試時都能用得上喔!

1. 如何用英文介紹自己讀的大學?

I got my college degree from National Taiwan University.

I graduated from National Taiwan University.

2. 如何用英文介紹自己讀的科系?

I studied in B-School, majoring in accounting.

At college, I double majored in interior and industrial design.



  1. 工作面試時:

    Morning, I'm Jimmy. I graduated from UCLA, majoring in Special Education.

  2. 隨意閒聊時:

    I graduated with a major in Finance from the B-School at National Taiwan University.

  3. 撰寫自傳時:

    I graduated from National Taiwan Normal University, majoring in Psychology and Counseling. After that, I studied Psychology at the graduate school of Michigan State University.

表中,Dept.= Department 學系 (= School = Faculty)

科系 科系英文
醫學系 Dept. of Medicine
會計系 Dept. of Accounting
農業系 Dept. of Agriculture
農業經濟系 Dept. of Agricultural Economics
農業化工系 Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry
畜牧系 Dept. of Animal Husbandry
人類學系 Dept. of Anthropology
應用數學系 Dept. of Applied Mathematics
管理學系 Dept. of Management
金融系 Dept. of Banking
企業管理學系 Dept. of Business Management
資訊管理學系 Dept. of Information Management
財務管理學系 Dept. of Financial Management
生物化學系 Dept. of Biochemistry
植物學系 Dept. of Botany
土木工程系 Dept. of Civil Engineering
資訊工程系 Dept. of Computer Science
舞蹈系 Dept. of Dance
營養學系 Dept. of Nutrition
外交系 Dept. of Diplomacy
經濟系 Dept. of Economics
環境工程系 Dept. of Environmental Engineering
昆蟲系 Dept. of Entomology
電子工程系 Dept. of Electronic Engineering
電機工程系 Dept. of Electrical Engineering
水產學系 Dept. of Fishery
食品學系 Dept. of Food Science
中文系 Dept. of Chinese
外語系 Dept. of Foreign Language
英國語文學系 Dept. of English
日本語文學系 Dept. of Japanese and Japan Literature
韓國語文學系 Dept. of Korean and Korea Literature
西班牙語學系 Dept. of Spanish and Spain Literature
土耳其語學系 Dept. of Turkish and Turkey Literature
德國語文學系 Dept. of German and German Literature
森林系 Dept. of Forestry
地理系 Dept. of Geography
歷史系 Dept. of History
園藝系 Dept. of Horticulture
國際關係學系 Dept. of International Relations
國際貿易系 Dept. of International Business
工業管理系 Dept. of Industrial Management
新聞學系 Dept. of Journalism
Dept. of Journalism Dept. of Advertising
大眾傳播系 Dept. of Mass Communication
廣播電視學系 Dept. of Radio & Television
法律系 Dept. of Law
機械工程系 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
海洋科學系 Dept. of Oceanography/Marine Science
政治系 Dept. of Political Science
社會學系 Dept. of Sociology
財政學系 Dept. of Public Finance
地政學系 Dept. of Land Economics
民族學系 Dept. of Ethnology
餐旅管理學系 Dept. of Hospitality
餐飲管理學系 Dept. of Food Industry Management
物理系 Dept. of Physics
哲學系 Dept. of Philosophy
衛生工程學系 Dept. of Sanitary Engineering
戲劇系 Dept. of Theatricals
體育系 Dept. of Physical Science
教育學系 Dept. of Education
室內設計學系 Dept. of Interior Design
建築學系 Dept. of Architecture
美術學系 Dept. of Fine Arts
工業設計學系 Dept. of Industrial Design
服裝設計學系 Dept. of Fashion Design
音樂學系 Dept. of Music

想更系統性學習道地英文? 巨匠美語英文會話課程,依程度分級教學,如同置身國外語言學校,不用背單字、更敢開口說!