你知道自己就讀的大學科系英文怎麼說嗎?向外國朋友介紹自己讀的科系時,總是難以正確傳達給對方。尤其現在大專院校科系多元複雜,除了指標性的科系,例如:管理系(Department of Management)、醫學系(Department of Medicine)、電機系(Department of Electrical Engineering)…等之外,很多人都不知道自己科系英文名稱是什麼,較冷門的科系英文名稱在網路上還找不到呢!現在就來認識大家一定要知道的科系英文名稱,讓你在撰寫自傳、自我介紹和工作面試時都能用得上喔!
1. 如何用英文介紹自己讀的大學?
I got my college degree from National Taiwan University.
I graduated from National Taiwan University.
2. 如何用英文介紹自己讀的科系?
I studied in B-School, majoring in accounting.
At college, I double majored in interior and industrial design.
Morning, I'm Jimmy. I graduated from UCLA, majoring in Special Education.
I graduated with a major in Finance from the B-School at National Taiwan University.
I graduated from National Taiwan Normal University, majoring in Psychology and Counseling. After that, I studied Psychology at the graduate school of Michigan State University.
表中,Dept.= Department 學系 (= School = Faculty)
科系 |
科系英文 |
醫學系 |
Dept. of Medicine |
會計系 |
Dept. of Accounting |
農業系 |
Dept. of Agriculture |
農業經濟系 |
Dept. of Agricultural Economics |
農業化工系 |
Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry |
畜牧系 |
Dept. of Animal Husbandry |
人類學系 |
Dept. of Anthropology |
應用數學系 |
Dept. of Applied Mathematics |
管理學系 |
Dept. of Management |
金融系 |
Dept. of Banking |
企業管理學系 |
Dept. of Business Management |
資訊管理學系 |
Dept. of Information Management |
財務管理學系 |
Dept. of Financial Management |
生物化學系 |
Dept. of Biochemistry |
植物學系 |
Dept. of Botany |
土木工程系 |
Dept. of Civil Engineering |
資訊工程系 |
Dept. of Computer Science |
舞蹈系 |
Dept. of Dance |
營養學系 |
Dept. of Nutrition |
外交系 |
Dept. of Diplomacy |
經濟系 |
Dept. of Economics |
環境工程系 |
Dept. of Environmental Engineering |
昆蟲系 |
Dept. of Entomology |
電子工程系 |
Dept. of Electronic Engineering |
電機工程系 |
Dept. of Electrical Engineering |
水產學系 |
Dept. of Fishery |
食品學系 |
Dept. of Food Science |
中文系 |
Dept. of Chinese |
外語系 |
Dept. of Foreign Language |
英國語文學系 |
Dept. of English |
日本語文學系 |
Dept. of Japanese and Japan Literature |
韓國語文學系 |
Dept. of Korean and Korea Literature |
西班牙語學系 |
Dept. of Spanish and Spain Literature |
土耳其語學系 |
Dept. of Turkish and Turkey Literature |
德國語文學系 |
Dept. of German and German Literature |
森林系 |
Dept. of Forestry |
地理系 |
Dept. of Geography |
歷史系 |
Dept. of History |
園藝系 |
Dept. of Horticulture |
國際關係學系 |
Dept. of International Relations |
國際貿易系 |
Dept. of International Business |
工業管理系 |
Dept. of Industrial Management |
新聞學系 |
Dept. of Journalism |
Dept. of Journalism |
Dept. of Advertising |
大眾傳播系 |
Dept. of Mass Communication |
廣播電視學系 |
Dept. of Radio & Television |
法律系 |
Dept. of Law |
機械工程系 |
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering |
海洋科學系 |
Dept. of Oceanography/Marine Science |
政治系 |
Dept. of Political Science |
社會學系 |
Dept. of Sociology |
財政學系 |
Dept. of Public Finance |
地政學系 |
Dept. of Land Economics |
民族學系 |
Dept. of Ethnology |
餐旅管理學系 |
Dept. of Hospitality |
餐飲管理學系 |
Dept. of Food Industry Management |
物理系 |
Dept. of Physics |
哲學系 |
Dept. of Philosophy |
衛生工程學系 |
Dept. of Sanitary Engineering |
戲劇系 |
Dept. of Theatricals |
體育系 |
Dept. of Physical Science |
教育學系 |
Dept. of Education |
室內設計學系 |
Dept. of Interior Design |
建築學系 |
Dept. of Architecture |
美術學系 |
Dept. of Fine Arts |
工業設計學系 |
Dept. of Industrial Design |
服裝設計學系 |
Dept. of Fashion Design |
音樂學系 |
Dept. of Music |
想更系統性學習道地英文? 巨匠美語英文會話課程,依程度分級教學,如同置身國外語言學校,不用背單字、更敢開口說!