
Written by 布里安娜

塔羅牌: tarot cards
紫微斗數: Chinese astrology
面相: physiognomy , face reading
手相: palm reading
星座: zodiac sign, star sign
生辰八字: the date of birth and eight characters
算命: fortune telling 「算命」是民間的俗稱,學術上的專業稱謂叫「周易預測」,研究算命的學術叫「易學」the study of Changes

運勢: fortune
桃花運:  a pleasant romantic encounter 一個快樂的浪漫相遇
爛桃花: an unlucky encounter 或an unwanted and nasty encounter 。nasty 指遭,爛的意思
事業(工作)運: fortune of career
金錢運: fortune of money
犯太歲: offend Taisui
安太歲: worship (pacify) the Taisui , pacify 是哄的意思,pacifier 就是奶嘴(哄小孩的東西) 。 worship 崇拜
點光明燈: light up the light in the temple
12生肖: Chinese horoscope
財位: position of fortune in Feng Shui
風水: Feng Shui
貴人: benefactor, guardian angel 

Conversations in a Temple during Chinese New Year

Mother: Finally we are here. Let's buy some paper money for gods. Matsu said I have to take you here during the Chinese New year.
Son: She also said that I should get married soon, right? Mom, I don't have any pleasant romantic encounter yet, give me a break.
Mom: Fine, let's see what this crowd is after…. Ah. They are selling light for car safety for 600 NTD and light for romance for 400 NT. I should get you one.
Son: Shouldn't we buy the light for car safety in a car appliance store? It's so strange in the temple. The temple must make a big fortune by selling all these lights, no wonder their bathroom looks like a palace. Look at the crowd, oh, the incense burning smoke tear my eyes. I need to get out of here in 30 minutes.
Mom: You promised me 30 minutes so stay with me. I'm going to buy the paper money for gods. ( at the paper money selling point) How much is a bundle of this set?
Clerk: 200 NT.
Son:200 NT? Wow, a rip off during Chinese New Year, plus the money that people who pay to pacify the Taisui. The temple businessmen really know how to make money. We should open a temple.
Mom: Zip your mouth. We need to hurry to burn the incense and worship the gods now, and there are 1.2.3… 12 incenses and 12 gods to pray for and remember, you need to tell the gods about where you live, your address, your name, your company, your ….
Son: OK, I know it. I'll help translate all these English into Chinese. Otherwise, the Gods won't protect me or make my wish come true, right? But Gods understand English, don't they?
母親: 我們終於到了!!我們來買一些金紙吧!媽祖說我過年時一定要帶你來。
兒子: 她也說我應該要快點結婚,是吧? 饒了我吧
母親: 好啦! 來看看這些人在擠什麼? 他們在賣行車燈600元,月老燈400元。恩,我應該買給你一個。
兒子: 我們應該要去汽車材料行買行車燈吧!!! 在廟裡賣好奇怪喔! 廟裡一定靠這些燈賺很多錢,難怪它們的廁所看起來像皇宮。你看看這些人潮,這些線香煙把我薰到流眼淚了,我需要在30分鐘離開這裡。
母親: 你答應我要給我30分鐘陪我拜拜。我要去買金紙了( 在賣金紙的地方) 請問這一份金紙多少錢?
店員: 200 元
兒子: 200元? 挖理哩,過年也真會賺一票,加上要安太歲的人的錢,廟裡的生意人真的很會賺。我們來開一間廟吧,媽!
母親: 閉嘴,我們要快點燒香來拜神。有十二尊神像,十二根香要插和祈禱,記住,要告訴神明你的名字,你住哪,你的住址,你公司名字,你公司住址......。
兒子:好啦,我知道,我會把這些中文翻成英文,否則神明不會保佑我¸ 但神明懂英文吧,不是嗎?