1. 月經 / 生理期的英文表達
period(月經 / 生理期)
• I'm having my period. / I am on my period.
• When did you last have your period?
• She was twelve when she started her period.
• She thinks she may be pregnant because she's missed her period.
💡 單字解析:
• start one's period:開始月經(初經)
• miss one's period:月經沒來(可能懷孕或內分泌失調)
• heavy/light period:經血量多 / 少
如果不想太直接談論生理期,可以用 someone's time of the month 來表達:
• It's my time of the month.
英文也有類似「大姨媽」的擬人化說法 Aunt Flow 或 Aunt Flo:
• Aunt Flo came to visit yesterday.
• Her Aunt Flo is visiting town.
較正式的醫學用語是 menstruation,但這個詞多出現在醫學或學術場景:
• Menstruation usually lasts about five to seven days.
💡 文化補充:
台灣常用 M.C.(Menstrual Cycle)指月經,但這其實並非母語者常用說法。
2. 經前症候群(PMS)的英文表達
Premenstrual Syndrome
(PMS) 指女性在生理期前可能出現的身體或情緒不適,如腹脹、煩躁、疲倦等。
• She has PMS. Leave her alone.
• I'm PMSing. That's why I'm bloated and moody.
💡 單字解析:
• bloating:水腫、腹脹
• moody:情緒不穩
• irritability:易怒
• food cravings:食慾增加(特別想吃特定食物)
💡 語法補充:
"PMS" 可當作名詞,也可加 -ing 變成動詞 PMSing(指經前症候群發作)。
3. 生理痛 / 經痛的英文表達
(period) cramps
是最常見的說法,其中 cramp 本意是痙攣、抽筋,cramps(複數)用來指經痛。
• My (period) cramps are killing me. I need to call in sick.
• My (period) cramps are so bad that I can't move.
• Some women with (period) cramps take painkillers to feel better.
💡 單字解析:
call in sick:請病假
lower back pain:下背部疼痛
4. 女性生理用品的英文
• She needs pads for heavier/lighter periods.
(她需要大 / 小流量的衛生棉。)
• Most people don't think it's a good idea to swim with a pad on.
• She uses pantyliners instead of pads when her period is almost over.
• Tampons are less common than pads in Taiwan.
月亮杯(menstrual cup)
• She started to use menstrual cups last year.
月經褲(period panties)
• She recommended period panties to her family and friends.
💡 單字解析:
• absorbent:吸收性的(常用來形容衛生用品)
• leak-proof:防漏的
• reusable:可重複使用的
💡 文化補充:
5. 其他生理期相關的實用句
• I feel bloated before my period.
• I always crave chocolate when I have PMS.
• My period is late. I guess it's because I've been too stressed lately.
• I can't drink cold beverages right now because I'm on my period.
6. 簡單情境對話
情境 1 :好友間的對話
A: You look tired today. Are you okay?
B: Ugh, I'm on my period and my cramps are killing me.
A: Oh no, that sounds awful! Did you take any painkillers?
B: Not yet. I was going to, but I forgot to bring them.
A: I have some in my bag. Here, take one.
B: Thank you! You're a lifesaver.
情境 2 :購買生理用品
A: Excuse me, where can I find the sanitary pads?
B: They're in aisle five, next to the tampons.
A: Thank you! I also need some pantyliners.
B: They're right next to the pads. Let me know if you need any help!
情境 3 :請假與工作場合對話
A: Hey, are you okay? You look pale.
B: I have really bad cramps today. I think I need to take the afternoon off.
A: Oh, I see. Do you need anything? A hot pack or painkillers?
B: A hot pack would be great. Thanks for understanding.
A: No problem. Just take care and rest well.