普遍燒香(burn the incense)燒金紙 (burn the paper money)以及多神論。台灣普遍民間信仰。
● 佛教Buddhism
●大甲媽祖遶境Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage
台灣最大宗教活動之一,總時間為步行9天8夜。從彰化到嘉義,意為媽祖巡視與大甲鎮瀾宮有關的廟宇。被UNESCO認定為世界文化現存遺產(world living heritage)
● 信眾Worshipper
有著某種信仰、崇拜的人,基本動詞是worship (v.) 崇拜,膜拜。
● 舞龍舞獅Dragon and lion dance
●陣頭The leader of the parade(Zhentou)
The third prince 三太子,不是sometimes 喔!
●Loyal attendant:
Matsu忠實的僕人,eyes that see a thousand miles and ears that hear upon the wind (順風耳和千里眼)
●神轎 Sedan chair
Conversations about Taiwanese Culture
A: Hey, Sam, welcome to Taiwan! How long are you going to stay here?
A: 嗨Sam,歡迎到台灣來!你這次打算待多久呢?
B: About 10 days. Do you know of any interesting Taiwanese events during my stay?
B: 大概10天左右吧!你知道在這個期間,台灣有哪些有趣的活動嗎?
A: You should check out the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage. It is held in March in the lunar calendar and it lasts for 9 days and 8 nights. Millions of people will participate in this religious event. During this long walk, you can see fireworks, dragon and lion dances, even electronic Santaizi, and a lot of local and traditional performing arts.
A: 你應該參觀每年農曆三月大甲媽祖遶境9天8夜的活動。百萬人會參加這個宗教活動。在這隨媽祖走的時候,你會看到煙火,舞龍舞獅,電音三太子,非常本地的傳統表演藝術。
B: Where should I stay during this long walk?
B: 那我這期間應該睡哪呢?
A: Of course you can stay at the hotel, but there are many kind people who are willing to provide their homes for worshippers to crash for a night. Temples will prepare unlimited vegetarian foods for thousands of participants when they are hungry.
A: 當然你可以睡飯店拉。但這時會有很多好心人願意提供他們的家給信徒當作睡一晚的地方。廟宇也會準備無限的素食食物給上千上萬的信徒餓時吃。
B: That will suit me as a backpacker. How should I start?
B: 這樣很適合我這種背包客也,我該如何開始呢?
A: Google the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage. You can find the route and decide which day you want to join.
A: 上網搜尋大甲媽祖遶境的路線,你再決定哪一天你要參加。
B: I can't wait to see the craziness and the crowd of the Taiwanese traditional culture. I am going to take many pictures and be ready for the unknown surprises.
B: 我等不及要來看到台灣傳統文化的瘋狂與擁擠的人群。我會照很多很棒的照片並等待這未知的驚喜!!
●拜拜、祭拜 worship
●祭品、供品 offerings
●鞠躬 bow
●燒香burn the incense / 點香 light the incense
●燒金紙/紙錢 burn the joss paper money
金紙也有一說是spirit money,總之就是陰間的貨幣,用來焚燒奉獻給神祇或是亡靈使用的。
●香爐the incense burner / 金爐 the joss paper money burner
●擲茭 throw divination blocks
擲茭是信徒用來和神明溝通的管道之一,有點像是占卜,透過投擲茭杯(divination blocks)的結果來了解神的旨意;因為茭杯的擺放結果比較單一,通常問題的答覆比較像是是非題的選項。
●抽籤 draw a fortune stick / 籤詩 a fortune poem
Conversations about Taiwanese Culture
A: So how was your experience with Daja Matsu?
B: It was amazing! Everything was so magical. The worshippers, the temples and all the rituals were very new to me. There were so many things to see and experience!
A: Did you try anything interesting during the trip?
B: Actually I did. I followed the traditional worship rituals to bow and burn the joss money. I even threw divination blocks and drew a fortune stick!
A: Sounds cool! As a Taiwanese myself, I haven't touched divination blocks and fortune sticks before!
B: Hahaha! I can show you how it works if you want to give it a try!