首先表示颱風來了,動詞除了可以用 come 或 approach (接近) 以外,還可以跟地震一樣使用 strike, hit (襲擊) 表示。
Typhoon XXX is approaching Taiwan.
The super typhoon struck the small island and destroyed many houses.
strong winds 強風
heavy rain 大雨
rainstorms 暴風雨
high waves 大浪
floods 洪水
mudflows / mudslides 土石流
landslides 山崩
storm surges 風暴潮或暴潮
輕颱(mild typhoon):相當於風力8~11級
中颱(moderate typhoon):相當於風力12~15級
強颱(severe typhoon):相當於風力16級以上
而CNN等外媒報導常說的超級颱風(super typhoon),其實不在中央氣象局的分級標準內,只是一種形容颱風威力強大的說法而已喔。
💡以上mild, moderate, severe等形容詞常固定用於形容(尤其是病症的)輕度、中度與重度。
颱風警報(typhoon warning)可分為海上颱風警報 (sea warning) 和陸上颱風警報 (land warning) 。發布颱風警報的英文是 issue ,解除警報則用 lift 。
The Central Weather Bureau is expected to issue a sea warning later tonight.
The land warning for Typhoon Koinu was lifted Friday morning.
停課和停班可以合稱 schools and office closures 。宣布可以用 announce 或 declare 表示。
As the typhoon approaches, many cities have announced school and office closures for the coming Thursday.
除了以上用法之外,新聞中也經常用關閉 (closed) 來表示停止上班上課的狀態。
Numerous schools, businesses and public offices are going to be closed on Thursday due to the anticipated typhoon.
Typhoon Haikui was the first typhoon to make landfall in Taiwan since 2019.
💡make landfall登陸
「颱風假」是台灣特有的災防假,英文中一般說成 typhoon day 或 typhoon day off 表示,雖然也有人用 typhoon holiday ,但是通常限於探討因為颱風造成民眾得到一天的假期的現象,畢竟用holiday 表達天災造成的停班停課還是有點不太適合喔。
A: Are we getting a typhoon day off tomorrow?
B: I don't think so. It's a mild typhoon and they say it won't even make landfall.
A: 明天會放颱風假嗎?
B: 應該不會吧。這次是輕颱而且聽說也不會登陸。
大家聽過矽盾 (silicon shield) 嗎?shield 是屏障的意思,這個概念最早由一位澳洲記者 Craig Addison 所提出,他認為台灣受到半導體晶片產業 (chip industry) 的保護才沒有受到軍事侵襲,這也就是台積電有護國神山之稱的原因。而應用於氣象上,中央山脈就是台灣的護國神山 (Taiwan's shield) 了。向外國朋友們解釋時可以這麼說:
In Taiwan, the Central Mountain Range is often referred as "Taiwan's shield" as it protects cities on the west coast from severe impacts of typhoons.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Typhoons
颱風的定義 What is a typhoon?
A typhoon is a tropical storm that develops over warm ocean waters in the western Pacific Ocean. It's similar to hurricanes, which form in the Atlantic Ocean and eastern Pacific Ocean.
颱風是如何形成的?How do typhoons form?
Typhoons form over warm ocean waters when the sea surface temperature is at least 27°C (80°F). As winds blow into the areas, they start to spin around a center known as the eye. When wind speeds reach 39 mph (63 km/h), it becomes a typhoon.
颱風發生在哪裡?Where do typhoons occur?
Typhoons typically occur in the western Pacific Ocean. They often affect countries such as the Philippines, China, Taiwan, and Japan. The region is also known as the "Typhoon Alley" or "Typhoon Belt."
颱風是如何命名的?How are typhoons named?
Typhoons are named from a pre-determined list originated by the World Meteorological Organization. The names generally rotate every six years.
為什麼台灣的颱風越來越少?Why are there fewer typhoons hitting Taiwan?
Research suggests that as water temperatures in the western Pacific Ocean keep rising, changing conditions including slowdown in atmospheric overturning circulation are making typhoons less frequent.
說到颱風,最重要的當然莫過於做好防颱準備了,英文可以用 be prepared for a typhoon 或 take precautions against typhoons 表示。
Dialogue 對話
A: The weather forecast says there will be a typhoon coming during the weekend. Let's get prepared for it.
B: OK. I'll get the car keys.
A: What are you doing? I thought we were supposed to tape the windows.
B: Nope. We are heading to the supermarket. Rule number one of survival: store cup ramen noodles. You know the old saying, it's better to be safe than sorry.
A: Yeah, whatever.
A: 氣象預報說週末會有颱風。我們來做準備吧。
B: 好,我去拿車鑰匙。
A: 你在幹嗎?我們不是應該要把窗戶封起來嗎?
B: 錯。我們要去超市。生存法則第一條:儲存泡麵。俗話說防範未然,你懂得。
A: 你高興就好。
防颱5大步驟英文 5 steps to prepare for a typhoon
- Stay informed 隨時了解狀況
- Stay indoors 待在室內
- Secure your home 保護好家園
- Prep an emergency kit 準備緊急避難包
- Make an evacuation plan if necessary 必要時制定撤離計劃