Written by 布里安娜 婚姻,社會上普遍認知的每個人的幸福起點。代表了責任與忠貞,權利義務的伴侶關係。代表了國家給予你法律上的保障與認可。為何同志要求婚姻平權(marriage equality)? 為何婚姻平權是現在立法院必須處理的修法法案(amendment) ? 究竟婚姻平權與你有何關係? 今天這篇文章要來討論國內外最具爭議性(controversial)的同志婚姻平權的有關英語詞彙,幫助你用英文和全世界的人進行深度的討論與思辯。 首先,我們來了解彩虹團體LGBT所代表的意思。L: lesbian,(女同志) G: gay( 男同志),B: bisexual (雙性戀) T: transexual (變性人)。 所謂的同志團體是包含這四類並以彩虹旗rainbow flag代表。 ●Homosexual: 也是(homo) ,但homo略有貶意。另一個同志說法,同性戀,相對於heterosexual 異性戀 ●Queer: 酷兒,約30-40年前同志的早期說法,知名的英國同志影集Queer as folk.就描述同志的生活 ●drag queen: 扮裝皇后,由男同志做誇張的女性裝扮,通常是為了娛樂效果。 ●Sexual orientation: 性傾向,性取向,指一個人在情感與性愛上對男性或女性的吸引。另一個字為sexual preference. 性偏好。 ●Straight: 異性戀的普遍說法 ●Gay: 同志,包含男同與女同 ●discrimination: n. 歧視 ●ignorant: adj. 漠視,忽視,無知 ●civil union: 民事結合,或公民結合。指由法律,即民事法,所確立並保護的等同或類似婚姻的結合關係。主要用於為同性伴侶提供與異性伴侶相同或近似的權利。它也可以用來提供那些不想進入婚姻,比較希望處於一種類似於普通法婚姻(common-law marriage)的異性同居關係,賦予法律權利。 ●homophobic: n. 恐同人,指對同志族群有偏見或不喜歡的人 ●bromance: brother romance, 男性朋友之間的一種曖昧關係 ●butch: 男性化的女生,或tomboy¸簡稱 T ●gaydar: 同志雷達¸ 同志族群中可搜索誰是同志的能力 ●fag hag: 同志的好女生朋友 ●pride parade: 同志驕傲遊行 Conversation about Gay Marriage A: Do you support gay marriage? B: Yeah, I think they deserve the right to get married with who they love just like us. A: Don't you think they should have their own marriage law instead of changing our civil law originally for heterosexuals? B: Why do you think the civil law is for only heterosexuals? It's for every individual. If you think they should have special law created for them, then it's not equality, it's discrimination. A: No, I don't discriminate them. I respect homosexual, I respect their private lives, but they shouldn't change our law. It's against the biological law and nature. A marriage should be between a man and a woman. B: Love makes us all equal. You should recognize that there are so many gay people in the society and they love each other and they need the marriage to protect their rights including property legitimate successor and child adoption. They also pay tax. Our law should make everyone equal no matter gender, race , sexual orientation, party and religion. A: I think there's still a big group of conservative and religious people who are homophobic and will try every way to stop it. It's still a long way to go and the world is watching us. A:你支持同志婚姻嗎? B: 是阿,他們也應該擁有和我們一樣與愛人結婚的權利 A: 你不覺得它們應該有自己的婚姻專法而不是改變我們本來的民法一夫一妻制嗎? B: 為什麼你認為民法只能適用於異性戀一夫一妻制?民法應該適用於任何獨立個體。如果你認為他們只適用同志婚姻專法,就不是平等了,這是歧視。 A: 沒有,我沒有歧視他們,我很尊敬他門。也尊重他們的私生活,但他們不能改變我們的民法。同性戀是違反生物定律與自然法則的。婚姻就是一夫一妻制。 B: 愛讓所有人平等。你應該認知到這社會上有這麼多的同志彼此相愛而他們需要結婚的權利去保護財產繼承與小孩領養的民事權利。他們也有付稅阿,我們的法律應該讓每個人都平等,不論男女,種族,性傾向,宗教和黨派。 A: 我認為社會上還是有一群恐同的保守團體和宗教團體會用全力力擋同婚。同志婚姻還有一段路要走,而這世界正在看著我們。