



1. S. + be-V. + on leave for 一段時間.
2. S. + take leave (of absence) for 一段時間 .
3. S. + take a 一段時間's leave.


official leave 公假
sick leave 病假
personal leave 事假
annual leave 特休/年假
marriage leave 婚假
maternity leave 產假
paternity leave 陪產假
parental leave 育嬰假
funeral leave / bereavement leave 喪假
compensatory leave 補休
leave without pay 留職停薪(不帶薪的休假)
study leave 進修假
menstrual leave 生理假
military leave 兵役假

Example 1:

A: Excuse me. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Liam.
B: I'm afraid he won't be available until next Wednesday. Dr. Liam is on marriage leave at the moment.

Example 2:

A: Would you please transfer my call to David? I have an emergency for him.
B: He took a two day's sick leave this morning. I'm the one who cover for (代班) him. Maybe I can help you. Can I have you name first?

Example 3:

A: Mr. Hans, I just got a government notice for educational mobilization (教召). I need to take military leave of absence for 6 days.
B: Sure. It's our duty to serve our country. Just fill in the application form and it will be OK.

臨時請病假的說法:call in sick

Example :

A: Maggie called in sick this morning. She sounded terrible.
B: Oh…I hope she is okay. I can fill in for (代班) her. What should I do?


1. day off (n.) 休假---S. have / take a day off.
2. S. + be-V. + off.

Example :

A: Hello, may I speak to Ms. Lee?
B: She is off today. Can I leave a message for you?


1. S. + work / take in shifts. 輪班
2. S. + work in day / night shifts. 輪早/晚班
3. S. + be-V. + on day / night shifts. 值早/晚班

Example :

A: I really can't stand working in night shifts three days in a row. I'm so tired!
B: You do look pale and exhausted. Go home earlier and take a long nap! You surely will feel better tomorrow.

加班的說法:work overtime / work late

Example :

A: Honey, I'll be working late tonight. Don't wait for me.
B: Oh…okay. Drive safely on the way home then.


1. S. + go on / take a business trip to place .
2. S.+ be-V. on a business trip to place .

Example :

A: I'm going to take a business trip to London next week. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?
B: That's very kind of you! If you can get some Mason's tea, that will be nice.

