New Year's resolutions of health 健康的新希望
- Exercise 3 times a week 每週運動3次。
- Lose 10kg 減重10公斤。
- Quit smoking / Quit drinking 戒菸/戒酒。
- Stop eating late-night supper 戒除吃宵夜習慣。
- Get up early and have a leisurely breakfast 早起好好享受一頓悠閒的早餐。
New Year's resolutions of growth 成長的新希望
- Read 5 books that Bill Gates recommended 讀5本比爾蓋茲推薦的書。
- Become an expert in a certain aspect 訓練一技之長。
- Get out of my comfort zone and find a new job 離開舒適圈,找新工作。
- Stop whining about trifles 停止發牢騷。
- Stop procrastinating 做事不拖延。
New Year's resolutions of society 社交的新希望
- Make new friends 交新朋友。
- Catch up with old friends 約老朋友相聚。
- Arrange more family getaways 多安排家庭活動。
- Stop worrying what others think about me 不要過度擔憂他人的評價。
- Create precious memories with my loved ones 和愛的人創造珍貴的回憶。
New Year's resolutions of money management 理財的新希望
- Get insurance 做保險規劃。
- Get out of credit card debts 還清卡債。
- Plan my budget 做支出預算規劃。
- Learn and start investing 學習並開始金融投資。
- Don't throw my money around 不要亂花錢。
想好了嗎?把願望寫下來!所謂「一元復始,萬象更新。」,就從此刻開始,馬上採取行動,為自己換上嶄新的風貌,成為更好的自己吧!Start now!