


日本 把校服的第二顆扣子給喜歡的人


In Japan's graduation, if a girl asks for a boy's the second button of his uniform, it means that the girl likes the boy. When the boy gives the girl his button, it represents that the boy is willing to date with the girl.

美國 丟帽子的傳統原來是這所大學


Throwing the mortarboard dates back to The United States Military Academy at West Point. The graduates put a note or some coins into their mortarboards to encourage little children when they pick up the thrown mortarboard.

阿根廷 最香的畢業典禮?


People will throw sticky foods or sauces to the graduates for celebration in Argentina.

挪威 世界最爽的畢業Party

Russ,是挪威高中畢業生專屬的慶祝活動,在四月底到五月中這段期間,都是Party time,而且父母是不可以阻止的,大批學生穿著紅色褲子到處開趴,玩樂通霄,做一些平常他們不敢做的事,而5/17是他們的國慶日,所以這一段期間是這些登大人們可以合法狂歡的時間囉!

There is a party time, called Russ, from the end of April to the middle of May for high school graduates. They wear red pants, play all time, and even do something that they couldn't do generally. It is legal for those who are ready to be a man.

英國 連續800年的拉丁儀式畢業典禮


The University of Oxford, possessing 800-year history, is the oldest university around the world. The graduation is also the most solemn as the principal will give his greatest wish to the graduates with the Bible.

泰國 皇室成員頒發畢業證書


The Chulalongkorn University is the first university in Thailand. The graduation features the royal members issuing the diploma. The graduates have to dress at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning and rehearse the process of the ceremony.

韓國 用麵粉把校服噴白


There is an interesting tradition in the Korean middle school graduation. They will sprinkle flour on the uniform that means liberation and coming-of-age.

法國 我們不過畢業典禮


The French said "We don't celebrate the graduation."

