
Game of thrones; A Song of Ice and Fire
權力遊戲; 冰與火之歌

If you’re a drama addict, you wouldn’t be unfamiliar with the most popular of all time fantasy drama, Game of Thrones. But what exact is this drama about?
Let’s explain it with a question & answer section!

但到底在演啥呢?  我們來用一問一答來看這齣劇吧!

1.​Shall we consider Game of Thrones a British or an American series?


        Both of the show-runners are American and it's produced by an American-based network. The author of the series is also American. In that sense, it's American. It's filmed at several European locations (Northern Ireland, Malta, Croatia, Iceland, Spain, etc.) and the filmmakers are obligated to hire European actors (including British actors) in order to get the tax credits for the filming locations. In certain instances they can get waivers, like in Peter Dinklage's case. But just about every actor, and certainly all of the main actors, are European. 
    show-runner 劇組團隊      produced by 由…製片      in that sense 此邏輯下                                obligated to 被要求          tax credits 稅收抵免
    in certain instances 在特定的原因下      waiver 免責權

2.How many houses and flags are there in the show?



  a. House Stark- live in Winterfell in the North.   史塔克家族:駐落北方寒冷邊境
    Words- "Winter is Coming"   標語:寒冬將至
    Sigil- a grey wild wolf racing across an ice-white field.   旗幟:雪地中奔跑的灰狼

b. House Arryn- live at the Eyrie in the Vale.   艾瑞家族:駐落東岸高地都郡
    Words- "As High as Honor"   標語:榮耀至上
    Sigil- a white moon and falcon on a sky blue field.   旗幟:藍天中飛翔的獵鷹

c. House Tully- live at Riverrun in the Riverlands.   塔利家族:駐落西岸河邊
    Words- "Family, Duty, Honor"   標語:家,責任,榮耀
    Sigil-  a leaping silver trout on a field of blue and red.   旗幟:河裡泳跳的鮭魚

d. House Greyjoy- live on Pyke in the Iron Islands.   葛瑞喬依家族:駐落河岸群島
    Words- "We Do Not Sow"   標語:絕不屈服
    Sigil- a golden kraken on a black field.   旗幟:黑幕下的挪威海怪

e. House Lannister- live in the Westerlands at Casterly Rock.   蘭尼斯特家族:駐落東南海岸
    Words- "Hear Me Roar"   標語:長聲咆嘯
    Sigil- a golden lion on a crimson field.   旗幟:赤紅下的金獅子

f. House Baratheon- live on Storms End in the Storm Lands.   拜拉席恩家族:駐落暴風雨之地
    Words- "Ours is the Fury"   標語:憤怒為己
    Sigil- a crowned black stag, on a golden field.   旗幟:耀金地上的麋鹿

g. House Tyrell- live in the Reach at Highgarden.   提利爾家族:駐落東南岸的高堡
    Words-"Growing Strong"   標語:自強不息
    Sigil- a golden rose on a green-grass field.   旗幟:綠地上的金玫瑰

h. House Martell- live in Dorne at Sunspear.   馬泰爾家族:駐落在西南岸的高塔
    Words- "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"   標語:不軀,不折,不壞
    Sigil- a red sun pierced by a golden spear on a yellow field.   旗幟:黃土上金茅刺穿紅太陽

i. House Targaryens- live in The Red Keep, Dragon Stone, and Meereen.   坦格利安家族:駐落在龍石島
   Words- "Fire and Blood"   標語:火與血
   Sigil- a red three headed dragon on a black field.   旗幟:黑地上赤紅的三頭龍

3.How is the show going to end in the season 8? Who is going to sit on the iron throne?
   第八季將會如何發展? 誰終將坐上七國之首的位子? 

With all this hurt coming towards them from the North, I can't imagine Winterfell will stay standing long.
Remember, The Wall fell in seconds and the only ballista weapons useful against a dragon (undead or otherwise) are in King's Landing.
Much sooner, rather than later, Jon, Dany and the northern lords will retreat and head south, forcing a confrontation with Cersei, who is still holed up in her castle.
In the end they will have to seek asylum in King's Landing, where the final confrontation with the Night King and his army will happen after they've finished swarming the kingdom and wiping out all inhabitants.

根據第七季結尾,北方夜王所帶來的所有威脅,冬牆不再站立,且夜王將死去的龍復活,具有極大的殺傷力,很快地,Jon, Dany,及北方的所有家族將會南下至Cersei的領土,最後夜王可能會摧毀一切,使的他們最後要找避難處才得以保命。