Apple Watch從去年一發表就話題不斷,除了能滿足科技控對著手腕說話的想像,這樣的神奇手錶還有什麼樣的威力跟魅力呢,本期就要從透過CNN新聞專題告訴你: Apple Watch 能成為下一個 3C 商品主流? 延伸學習與整理 針對生活居家、健康醫療、電子商務,來看看手錶可以如何跟讓生活變得更「智慧」吧: ● you can finally talk into your wrist 你終於可以對著你的手腕說話了 ● receive calls on your watch 用手錶接電話 ● brinr up your credit card and just put it near the merchant terminal 叫出信用卡,接著把手錶靠近刷卡機 ● remind you if you've been sitting too long 如果你坐太久,它還會提醒你 ● check one's heart rate 檢查心跳 ● use app to open your garage door 用手機應用程式打開家裡車庫