


Taking a bus搭公車


bus stop (n.) 公車站/站牌
timetable (n.) 時刻表
fare (n.) 票價
shuttle bus (n.) 接駁公車
arrive + 地點 (v.) 抵達…
depart from +地點 (v.) 從...離開/出發
get on / get off (v.) 上/下車


1. Pardon me. Where is the ticket office?

2. Can I buy a ticket on the bus?

3. How much is a single ticket to …?

4. What time is the next bus to …?

5. Excuse me. Does this bus stop at …?

6. Could you please tell me when we get to …, please?

7. Is this seat taken?


At the bus station 公車站

A: I'd like a single ticket to London, please.
A: 我想買一張去倫敦的單程票,謝謝。

B: It's ₤6. Here you go.
B: 總共是6磅,這是你的票。

A: Thanks! Oh, and what time is the next bus to London?
A: 謝謝!噢,下一班公車是幾點呢?

B: The bus is leaving in 15 minutes. You'd better hurry.
B: 下一班15分鐘後就要開車了,你最好快一點。

On the bus公車上

A: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?
A: 不好意思,請問這個位置有人坐嗎?

B: No, it's free. You can have it.
B: 沒有,是空的,你可以坐。

A: I'd like to go to Buckingham Palace but I'm not sure which stop should I get off. Could you please tell me when we get to it, please?
A: 我想去白金漢宮,但我不是很確定我該在哪一站下車,可以麻煩您到站時告訴我一聲嗎?

B: Sure. It's only 10 minutes away. I'll let you know then.
B: 沒問題,這裡離那兒大概10分鐘左右吧!到的時候我會跟你說的。

A: Many thanks!
A: 太感謝您了!!

Tanking a train / subway火車 / 電車


train / subway station (n.) 火車/電車車站
platform (n.) 月台
Northbound / Southbound / Eastbound / Westbound platform (n.) 北/南/東/西向月台
ticket office (n.) 售票處
ticket machine (n.) 售票機
single / return ticket (n.) 單程/來回票
local / regional train (n.) 區間車
express train (n.) 特快車
car (n.) 車廂
gap (n.) 間隙
head to … / bound for …(v.) 前往…
late / delayed (adj.) 誤點
on time (adj.) 準點
cancelled (adj.) 取消
personal belongings (n.) 私人物品
lost-and-found (n.) 失物招領處


1. I'd like a return ticket to …, coming back on May 1st , please.

2. Which platform do I need to go to for …?

3. Where do I change for …?

4. How many stops is it to …?


At the train station火車站

A: I'd like a return ticket to Paris, coming back on May 1st , please.
A: 我想要買一張去巴黎的來回票,回程是在5/1,謝謝。

B: It's €20. Here you go.
B: 總共是20歐元,你的票在這兒。

A: Thank you very much. Which platform do I need to go to?
A: 謝謝你,我要去哪個月台呢?

B: The train is running late due to the heavy mist. It will depart from platform 2.
B: 火車因為濃霧有些誤點了。它將會在第二月台發車。

A: Got it. Thanks a lot!
A: 了解,謝謝!

On the train 火車上

A: Excuse me. I just learnt that I took the wrong train to Paris. Where should I get off to change for the right one?
A: 不好意思,我剛剛發現我搭錯車了。我要前往巴黎,請問我應該在哪裡下車換成正確的車次呢?

B: You should change at Cachan.
B: 你應該在卡尚換車。

A: You've saved my life!
A: 你真是我的救星!謝謝你!



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