學更多生活會話 單字 waffle 鬆餅 chocolate chip cookie 巧克力碎片餅乾 cupcake 杯子蛋糕 chocolate mousse 巧克力慕斯 tiramisu 提拉米蘇 brownie 布朗尼 doughnut 甜甜圈 scone 司康餅 fruit tart 水果塔 對話 A:How is the brownie? B:It's out of this world! A:May I take a piece of that to try? B:Sure! A:My mom makes killer desserts. Her recipe for chocolate mousse was made in heaven! B:Really? I hope I have a chance to taste. A:I'll bring some to you when we meet next time. A:這個布朗尼蛋糕味道如何? B:好吃到不行啊! A:可以給我一塊嚐嚐看嗎? B:當然! A:我媽做的甜點堪稱一絕,她做的巧克力慕斯好吃得不得了! B:真的嗎?真希望我有機會嚐嚐看。 A:下次見面帶一些來給你。 下次跟姊妹淘約會,就用英文來聊甜點吧! 融入生活學英文,自然而然講英文!