學更多生活會話 1. traffic塞車 There is usually a lot of traffic during Chinese New Year holiday. 過年期間最容易塞車。 2. pull over路邊停車 She pulled over to answer the phone. 她把車開到路邊停下來接電話。 3. speeding超速 Mark got a ticket for speeding. 馬克收到一張超速罰單。 4. run the red light闖紅燈 Do not run the red light! 不要闖紅燈! 5. ticket開罰單 The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant. 那個司機因為把車停在消防栓前而被開罰單。 6. get a flat tire爆胎 I got a flat tire on the freeway. 我的車子在高速公路上爆胎了。 7. crossroads十字路口 There was a car accident at the crossroads. 那個十字路口發生了車禍。 8. reverse parking倒車入庫 I always get confused when I do reverse parking. 我倒車入庫的時候都會被搞糊塗。 9. windshield wiper雨刷 Can you show me where the windshield wiper switch is located? 你能告訴我雨刷的開關在哪嗎?