Written by 布里安娜 布里安娜自從被人擦撞車禍一直到現在很不開心,因為看著這整天包著的手腕(wrist)和膝蓋(knee),由不得淚從中來想者什麼時候才能去健身房阿!!又剛好去了日本大阪和京都,受老母之託去買了每個人最愛在日本買的藥品,所以迅速買了所有免稅(tax free)的藥品要來吃個一年半載,頭好壯壯並讓傷勢快好起來。今天就要教大家一些普遍疾病名稱與常用藥品的英文。 現代人常有的疾病與症狀( diseases and symptoms) headache : 頭痛,有關痛 ache 字有很多,backache, 背痛stomachache 胃痛, toothache牙痛, 而相對就要吃 pain killer 止痛藥或是aspirin 阿斯匹林。 ●diarrhea: 腹瀉 或相反的 便秘是constipation. 因為長年的胃食道逆流(heartburn reflux),所以布里安娜買了大家都說讚的WakamoOO¸來調養身體,通常胃藥就是stomach medicine 或stomach powder (粉) 和 pills ●spasm/sprain/ twist: 抽筋,肌肉扭傷拉傷,通常會用painkiller 或一些muscle gel/ ointment 凝膠 或藥膏。 ●bruise: 瘀青 ●scratches/ scrapes: 擦傷,挫傷 ●bone fracture: 骨折,這就很嚴重啦要去看X ray inspection , X光檢查, ●dislocation: 脫臼,或就是移位,這需要師傅喬回來。 ●concussion: 腦震盪,由頭部受劇烈撞擊而造成,需做斷層掃描(英文名稱為Computerized Tomography,之後改稱為Computed T.或Computor Assisted T.,簡稱CT。) ●numb: adj. 麻痺,常常四隻手腳末端麻痺的需要多讓氣血循環,要常做有氧運動(aerobics). ●inflammation: 發炎,通常醫生開的都有止痛抗發炎的藥。 ●nausea:惡心,想吐 ●stuffy nose:鼻塞 ●allergic 過敏的 adj. I am allergic to seafood. 我對海鮮過敏。 ●runny nose 流鼻水 ●a sore throat 喉嚨痛 10個常用台灣藥品名 ●Eye drop: 眼藥水。要含B6的才有效 ●Antibiotics: 抗生素 ●Cold capsule: 感冒膠囊 ●Cough syrup: 咳嗽糖漿 ●Sleeping pills: 安眠藥 ●Steroid : 類固醇 ●Narcotic drugs:麻醉藥 ●Muscle and joint spray: 肌樂 ●Saline solution / natural saline: 生理食鹽水 ●iodine (n.) 優碘 常用醫療辭彙 ●prescription:藥方 藥單 處方籤 ●bandage: 繃帶 ●band-aid: ok 蹦 ●clinic : 診所 ●treatment: 治療 醫療 ●register at a hospital: 掛號(在醫院) ●health insurance: 健保 ●for external use: 外用藥 ●oral contraceptive; pill: 口服避孕藥 ●tablet: 藥片 如何用英文溝通 ●掛號, 欠卡押單, 還單退錢問候 May I help you , Mr. / Madam ? Is there anything I can do for you ? What can I do for you , Mr. / Madam ? ●詢問症狀,看診科別 What's wrong with you , Mr. / Miss.? What's the matter with you, Mr. / Miss. ? Which department would you like to be registered ? ●就診前掛號 Now let me help you with registration . I help you with registration before seeing a doctor. Let me help you register in advance. ●確定有無健保身份時 Do you have medical insurance in Taiwan ? Have you had a health insurance IC card ? ●初診掛號沒建保, 欲建立基本資料時 May I see your ID card or passport to help you fill in the form ? ●欠卡押單 Because you haven't had a health insurance IC card yet, today you have to pay a deposit XXX dollars in advance. ●告知還單, 退錢 You have to bring your health insurance IC card and this receipt back to us within 7 days. Then we will pay your money back./ Then we will refund a deposit to you. this receipt : 押單收據 ●自費看診 Sorry ! Because you don't have a health insurance IC card .Today you need to self-pay.