a, an, the 英文冠詞用法大全!英文寫作最細微的關鍵
在IELTS雅思的聽說讀寫四個項目中,寫作是所有考生平均分數最低的項目。想要考到理想的寫作成績,考生的寫作除了要切題通順,句子裡也不能有過多的文法錯誤。在雅思寫作的文法錯誤裡,冠詞(a, an, the)錯誤是最常見的文法錯誤。我們在這篇學習文章裡,將帶大家一次搞懂冠詞英文,讓你的英文寫作更上一層樓。
新資訊 vs. 舊資訊
• 當我們第一次提到某個人事物時,我們用不定冠詞a或an。當我們再次提到相同的人事物時,我們用定冠詞the。
A: Excuse me. I have a question(新資訊). Where do I sign up for dance classes?
B: I'm sorry. Can you repeat the question(舊資訊)?
不特定 vs. 特定
• 當我們指某個「特定」的人事物時,我們用the。當我們指某個「不特定」的東西時,我們則用a或an。
1. Can you lend me a pen? (說話者要借筆。任何筆都可以,所以用不定冠詞a。)
2. I'm really sorry. I lost the pen you lent me. (說話者弄丟的是他借來的那支筆,所以用定冠詞the。)
• 不定冠詞a與an用在「單數可數名詞」之前。定冠詞the可用在單數名詞或複數名詞。
1. Do you have a brother or a sister?
2. That was an easy question.
3. I enjoyed the book you lent me.
4. The moons of Saturn are beautiful.
• 不可數名詞前面不能加a或an。不過可以加the。
1. Could I have rice instead of mashed potatoes with my steak?
2. The rice from Chishang is the best in Taiwan.
• 當我們要指某類東西的全體份子時,我們可以用a, an, the,或者複數名詞與不可數名詞。
1. A dog makes a good pet. (狗適合當寵物。說話者指所有的狗。)
2. An elephant is the biggest animal on land. (大象是陸地上最大型的動物。)
3. There are important organs in the human body. (人體裡有很多重要器官。)
4. Owls are nocturnal animals. (貓頭鷹是夜行性動物。)
5. Green tea is good for our health. (綠茶對身體有益。)
注意:冠詞不能與any, some, my, this等限定詞一起使用
1. Daniel loves his job.
✘: loves the his job
2. Do you want this cake?
✘: want the this cake
The用於宇宙中獨一無二的東西,例如:the sun, the moon, the stars。
1. The earth moves around the sun.
2. They lay on the grass and watched the stars.
「the + 形容詞」指擁有該形容詞特性的全體。
1. The rich should pay more tax and the poor shouldn't pay any.
2. The young need to be encouraged and supported in society.
「the + 樂器」
1. Tina can play the guitar very well.
2. Sasha is learning to play the piano.
1. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can go home.
2. Taipei is the largest city in Taiwan.
The 用於「序數」
1. Susan's apartment is the first building on the right.
2. The next outing will take place on the fifth of November.
We have to protect wild animals.
✘: the wild animals
I love Japanese food.
✘: the Japanese food
A new study found that places can change people's personality.
✘: The new study
Scientists have found evidence that Mars may once have had an ocean.
✘: found an evidence