除了I don't know,還可以這樣表達「不知道」

除了I dont know,還可以這樣表達「不知道」

英文也有句諺語是這麼說的---“The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all. (智者自認一無所知, 愚者自負無事不曉)”。該問為什麼的時候,就問為什麼;不知道的時候,就大聲說”I don’t know.”,人生才可能有更多不同的轉彎,以及遇見你從未想見的風景。

但你有想過不知道除了”I don’t know.”之外,還有哪些說法可以表達你真正迷惘的心情嗎?這句話其實在不同的情境下,可能代表了不同的意義,當然說法也可以隨之變化,其中的學問可大了呢!我們就簡單做個分類吧:

1. 當你對一件事物完全沒有概念,連做個簡單的猜想都做不到的時候,你可以這麼說:

I have no idea. / I have no clue.
I don't have a clue.

Steve: What is the movie about? Is it good?
Emma: I have no idea. I don't even hear of it.

2. 當某件事情是超乎想像,或是鮮少為人所知的,大概天底下找不到幾個人可以說得上來的時候,你可以這麼說:

Who knows?
It's anyone's guess.

Mark: I heard the plane crashed due to the severe weather. Did the government find the crash spot and start the rescue?
Dean: Who knows? They can't even be sure whether it was the weather or something else.


How should … know?
Don't ask me.
Search me.

Nicky: When on earth is the meeting going to start? I'm here for ages.
Elma: How should I know? I was told to wait here from 9 o'clock. And look what time it is! It's now 10:30 already!


I'm not sure. / I'm unsure.
Not as far as I know.

Jenny: Do you know which counter I should go to hand in the application form?
Halley: I'm not sure, but maybe you can try no.2-4. I just saw some people line up earlier.
Jenny: Thanks a lot. I'll try and ask.

Nick: Have you heard anything from Dave? He should have been here an hour ago.
Louise: Not as far as I know. Maybe he got caught by something on the way. Let me try to reach him and find out what happened.


I don't have that answer.
I'm not the best person to answer that.

Tim: What do you think the situation will develop? Could be better or worse?
Mark: I don't have that answer. It's really not my expertise.


I have that same question.
That's an interesting question.
Your guess is as good as mine

Timothy: Do you think our team will be able to advance to the final round?
Kelly: That's an interesting question. I guess we can only find out tomorrow.

Liz: Do you think we can win the game?
Gilbert: Your guess is as good as mine.


Beats me. / It beats me. Dunno.

Laurence: Where did you get the bag?
Fanny: Dunno. I can't remember. What about it?

Naomi: Why did Eric leave such a mess on the table?
Ray: Beats me. You can ask him yourself when he gets home.

是不是很驚訝,原來「不知道」也有這麼多元的花式表達,以及隱藏的情緒和含意呢?下次要脫口說出"I don't know"前,你可以多想想,要怎麼說可以更傳神的表達你的不解或困惑喔!
