


這是個大家皆可感同深受的情境;相信你應該不難想像當看到自己的自行車遭竊時;竭盡所能的吊嗓大叫;心跳瞬間變快且心急如焚的追著小偷跑的情景吧?現在我們來看看以上這些粗體字,並特別注意每個句子結束時連接的"驚嘆號" 。這些句子皆為驚嘆語氣(英文動詞to exclaim就是呼喊;大叫的意思) 。一般來說;作者常用驚嘆號來告知讀者文中主角的情緒是激動的;充滿情感的;大聲喊叫的;或者是用來強調及加重語氣的。





Using the Exclamation Point: Give a Shout and Yell it out!
When I was in college, I had a friend tell a story about how his bicycle was stolen. He was walking back to his bike after a long day at school, and was about 50 meters from it, when he saw a thief break his bike lock, jump on the bike, and then pedal off. He ran after the thief, and as loud as he could, he screamed "Hey! No! That's my bike! Somebody stop him! Call the police!"

It was easy to understand that this was a very emotional situation for my friend. If this were you, could you imagine your voice rising, your heart beating faster, and running towards your bike as fast as your can? Sure, we all can. Now, take another look at the above quote in bold. Notice the "!" marks after each statement. These are called exclamation points (the verb "to exclaim" means to say something loudly) and we use them in writing to tell the reader that the speaker is excited, emotional, speaking loudly, or making an important point.

This is pretty easy rule to remember when writing; however, when reading aloud (or telling a story), many students forget raise their voice. This often makes the English sound weak, unnatural, and robotic. As a teacher, I have a few tips about how to correct this:

1.Before reading a loud, take a moment to look at what you're going to read. Do any of the sentences end in an exclamation point? If so, then you'll know to raise your voice when you read that sentence. (Note: this tip also works well for question marks and new practicing new vocabulary words)

2.After reading for the first time, make sure you understand the context of what you have read. What is being said? Who's saying it? And is it emotional?

3.Finally, read it one more time and practice raising your voice when you get to a sentence with an exclamation point.

Following these three easy steps should help you make your English sound more natural for your audience.

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