
written by Ethan

我們在說英文的時候,常常覺得只要能夠溝通就好了。所以總是把訓練重心放在聽力和口說(或是像Ethan老師以前直接用台式英文,哈哈),相對來說文法好像就不是這麼重要了,是吧?果真如此嗎?那我們來看一下men's talk(男人間的聊天):
Niel: I asked that ice queen Bella to hang out with me tonight, and you know what? She said yes!!
Max: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Do you know what happened last year when Evan tried to break up with her? He almost got killed!!!
尼爾: 我問冰山美女貝拉今晚要不要和我出去,你知道嗎?她居然答應了!!
邁克司: 如果我是你的話,我不會這麼做。你知道去年依凡試著和她分手嗎?他差點被幹掉了!!!
不到10秒鐘的對話 你可知道有幾個很重要的文法包含在裡面?
  1. 簡單過去式: asked, said, happened, tried
  2. 片語動詞: hang out, break up
  3. 假設語氣-和現在相反: S would V if S Ved or If S Ved, S would V
  4. 過去被動式: got p.p = was/were p.p.
  5. 俚語: ice queen = ice cream冷漠,態度高傲的女人(冰山美女)

即使只是一句簡單的對話,也能偷藏了那麼多的文法句型。你還在認為文法程度對聽說能力沒有影響嗎?我們現在就來一一拆解這裡的文法吧。Good luck with English grammar!

ask (動詞):問問題(A ask B something); 要求(句型是A ask B to V)
ask是規則動詞,三態: ask asked asked
  • Ex: I asked my brother a stupid question, and he completely ignored me.
    • 我問了弟弟一個蠢問題,他完全不理會我。
  • Ex: I asked my brohter to clean my bedroom for me, and he said, "Not in a million years."
    • 我要求弟我幫我清理房間,他說「門都沒有」。
say (動詞): 說(A say something), what to say該說什麼該如何說
ask是不規則動詞, 三態: say said said
  • Ex: It's hard for me to say "no" whenever I get invited to a wedding ceremony.
    • 每次受邀參加婚禮我都很難拒絕。
  • Ex: Ethan forgot what to say when he proposed to his girlfriend last night.
    • 依森昨晚在向他女友求婚的時候忘了該說什麼。
1.規則動詞 +ed, 或者字尾只有y一個母音(不是-ay, -ey,-oy, -uy)去掉+ied

動詞變化(規則vs 不規則)
 規則動詞  +ed  不規則動詞  i ->a (只變母音)
 decide  decided  babysit  babysat
 listen  listened  begin  began
 play  played  drink  drank
 talk  talked  give  gave
 try  tried  sing  sang
 wait  waited  sit  sat
 work  worked  swim  swam

有發現嗎?不規則動詞還是有一些規律性的喔 注意右邊兩排的變化就知道!!!
還有一些常見的變化 我們來注意一下:
 不規則動詞  i_e ->o_e  不規則動詞  _ee_->e_t
 drive  drove  feel  felt
 ride  rode  meet  met
 write  wrote  sleep  slept
 hide  hid  feed  fed
 bite  bit    
 不規則動詞  ow->ew  不規則動詞  _ea­_->_o_e
 blow  blew  bear  bore
 grow  grew  steal  stole
 know  knew  tear  tore
 throw  threw  wear  wore

片語動詞就是一個動詞加一個介副詞 (out, in, on, up, around, off, down等等) 構成的動詞
  • Ex: hang out (和某人) 出去: Elsa hangs out with her sister Anna after dinner.
  • Ex: hang in (堅持住) : Hang in there. We will reach the peak (山頂) soon.
  • Ex: hang on (稍等) : Hang on. I'll be with you in a second.
  • Ex: hang up (掛電話) : Don't hang up the phone yet. I'm taking notes.
  • Ex: hang around (閒逛) : Nemo and his dad hang around the aquarim.
  • Ex: hang together (團結一致) : Our family hangs together when we're in trouble
假設語氣是一個以 if 為主的句子,有三種表現方式:
  1. 未來會發生: If S V, S will V
  • Ex: If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我會待在家裡。
  1. 現在相反: If S Ved, S would V(用過去式表示 但是和過去式無關)。
  • Ex: If it rained, I would stay at home. 如果現在有下雨,我就待在家(暗示現在沒有下雨 我也不會待在家裡)。
  1. 過去相反: If S had p.p., S would have p.p.
  • Ex: If it had rained last night, I would have stayed at home. 如果昨晚有下雨,我就待在家裡(暗示昨晚沒有下雨, 我就沒有沒有待在家裡)。


俚語: 英文除了吸收很多不同語言 也延伸出自己獨特的表達方式
  • Ex: Dutch courage (酒膽;酒後逞英雄)
  • Ex: Pardon/Excuse my French (原諒我口出惡言)
  • Ex: Aussie (澳洲人)
  • Ex: Indian summer (秋老虎;事業的第二春)
  • Ex: Chinese puzzle (複雜的狀況)
  • Ex: American plan (住宿包餐飲)
  1. A: As a leading actor, Josh Taylor is enjoying an Indian summer with her first movie.
  2. B: You mean the Aussie guy who just moved the U.S.? Who the hell does he think he is? Pardon my French, though.
  3. A: It's not like a Chinese puzzle kind of thing. He's worked so hard and I think he deserves it. By the way, would you like to have an American plan for your trip to Bali Island? I heard there's a discount for spring package.
  4. B: I'd love to, but I need the Dutch courage to ask Andrea to join us. You know how much I like her.