
  • 新制多益
  • 多益準備

對於想考取多益高分的考生來說,配分比重高達百分之四十的第三部分「簡短對話」(Short Conversations)是必須好好把握的題型。然而,多益對話的主題非常多元化,涵蓋行銷、商業企劃、購買租賃、產品研發等等。面對多元化的主題與相關的字彙,考生除了勤練聽力、累積字彙外,還可以如何準備「簡短對話」呢?



問意見 給意見
How do you feel about our new bonus policy? I think it gives staff an increased incentive to work harder.
What do you think is a good way to improve our retail sales? I suggest that we redesign our stores to attract more customers.
Why do you think our sales have been flat recently? The way I see it, our products have completed their life cycles.
Can I get your thoughts on my presentation? In my opinion, it was well-organized and delivered.
給意見 同意
• I think we should offer the job to Ms. Lee. I agree. She has both expertise and experience.
• Why don't we go out tonight to celebrate your promotion? That's a good idea.
• We should hire some temporary staff for the production line. You are right. Our peak season is coming.
• I really think Tim should take the blame for losing our sponsors. I couldn't agree with you more.
給意見 不同意
• E-phone is definitely the best smartphone on the market today. I'm afraid I disagree.
• Let's go to Europe for our annual vacation this year. I'm not sure that's a good idea given our financial situation.
• I'm going to put you and Elaine in charge of this project. I'm not sure about that. She and I don't get along too well.
• Don't you think pay cuts are a good way to cut costs? Yes, but they are a two-edged sword.



1. What are the speakers talking about?
(A) Staff layoffs
(B) Staff morale
(C) Market competition
(D) Employee schedules

2. Why does the man oppose the woman's idea?
(A) It is too risky.
(B) It is expensive.
(C) It is ineffective.
(D) It is too extreme.

3. What does the man propose?
(A) Providing free food
(B) Shortening work hours
(C) Hiring more employees
(D) Consulting professionals


Step 1: 閱讀題目,判斷題型


Step 2: 專心聽對話,利用句型聽出答案


M: We both agree that we need to do something to boost employee morale. Many of them are upset that we were just acquired by our biggest competitor.
W: Yeah. I suppose some people are afraid of losing their jobs. I was thinking maybe we can give staff shortened work days on the last Friday of every month. Employees will be excited if they may leave at, say, 4:30 p.m. instead of 6:00 p.m.
M: Well, I'm not sure the new management team will agree with your idea. Your proposal calls for a radical change in the staff's work schedule. I suggest that we offer free refreshments, like coffee, donuts, and sandwiches on every Friday afternoon.

第一題的話,男子在對話的一開始提到「我們都同意我們要做些事來提振員工士氣」(We both agree that we need to do something to boost employee morale.),所以答案為(B) Staff morale。
至於第二題,男子提到「我不確定新的管理階級會同意你的想法。」(I'm not sure the new management team will agree with your idea.),因此考生可以預測男子接下來會提到反對女子想法的理由。男子接下來說「你的提議需要徹底改變員工的工作排程。」(Your proposal calls for a radical change in the staff's work schedule.),所以答案是(D) It is too extreme.。
至於第三題,男子在對話中提到「我提議我們每個禮拜五下午提供咖啡、甜甜圈、三明治等免費的餐點。」(I suggest that we offer free refreshments, like coffee, donuts, and sandwiches on every Friday afternoon.),所以答案是(A) Providing free food。

