used to, be used to, get used to易混淆英文文法一招分辨

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used to, be used to, get used to易混淆英文文法一招分辨

Used to, be used to, get used to這三個片語看起來很類似。它們的意義跟用法有哪裡不同呢?在本篇學習文章裡,我們將帶著大家了解這三個跟「習慣」有關的片語。

Used to + 原形動詞:過去規律

Used to表達過去經常做,但是現在已經不做的習慣或狀態。例句:

Tim used to play baseball every weekend when he was kid.

That castle used to belong to a rich family.


否定句:didn't use to (不是didn't used to喔)

This restaurant didn't use to be so crowded on the weekends.


Did(n't) + 主詞 + use to

Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you were a child?

Didn't Amy use to live on the same street as us?


Be used to + 名詞 / 動名詞:已經習慣於某事

Be used to指「習慣」或「熟悉」某事。我們可以將這個片語用於過去、現在、未來。

Dan is a lawyer, so he's used to long hours.

Lisa is from a small town, so she's not used to a lot of traffic.

Tony was a tour guide, so he was used to traveling around the world.


Be used to的意義跟 be accustomed to相同,不過be accustomed to比較正式

Dan is accustomed to getting up early.

The Wang family is accustomed to not talking at meals.


「Be used to + 原形動詞」是被動語態,表示「被用來…」,不要與「Be used to + 名詞 / 動名詞」的句型混淆。

ChatGPT can be used to enhance learning.

Scratching two stones was used to produce fire.


Get/become used to:去習慣於某事

Get/become used to「去習慣」某事。

Amy is not comfortable with her new job yet, but she is slowly getting used to it.

It took Karen some time to become used to living with her mother-in-law.




  1. Brian _____ in a bank, but he left and works as a chef now.
    (A) used to work
    (B) got used to work
    (C) is used to working

  2. Since Jay and Mary had a baby, they _____ much sleep.
    (A) are used to not get
    (B) used to not getting
    (C) have gotten used to not getting

  3. Before Mr. Green retired, he _____ spend much time on his hobbies.
    (A) got used to
    (B) was used to
    (C) never used to

  4. Tina works from home, so she _____ people around her all day.
    (A) isn't used to having
    (B) used to not have
    (C) didn't used to have

  5. Although Aaron liked his previous job, he _____ the long hours.
    (A) couldn't use to
    (B) couldn't get used to
    (C) couldn't be used to



  1. 根據後半句的資訊,Brian現在是主廚,可知他以前曾經在銀行上班,因此正確答案為(A)。整句話的意思是:Brian以前曾經在銀行上班,不過他辭職了,現在是主廚。

  2. 根據前半句的資訊,Jay與Mary已經有了小孩,可以推論他們已經習慣睡眠不足,因此正確答案為(C)。整句話的意思是:自從Jay與Mary有了小孩後,他們已經習慣睡不飽。

  3. 根據句義,Mr. Green退休之前工作很忙,可以推論他沒有時間從事自己的嗜好,因此正確答案為(C)。整句話的意思是:Mr. Green退休前從來沒有足夠的時間從事自己的嗜好。

  4. 根據前半句的資訊,Tina在家裡上班,可以推論她不習慣整天身邊有人,因此正確答案為(A)。整句話的意思是:Tina在家裡上班,所以她不習慣整天身邊有人。

  5. 根據前半句的資訊,雖然Aaron喜歡他之前的工作,可是他不喜歡長工時,我們可以推論他無法適應長工時的工作,因此正確答案為(B)。整句話的意思是:雖然Aaron喜歡他之前的工作,可是他不適應長工時的工作。



本篇學習文章說明used to, be used to, get used to這三個片語的用法。如果學員想完整地學習英文文法,我們推薦巨匠美語的文法課程。巨匠與專業的文法老師合作,將文法結合聽說讀寫等課堂遊戲,讓你用有趣的方式,有效率地學習英文文法。