商用英文書信是TOEIC多益第七部分「閱讀理解」(Reading Comprehension)的必考閱讀類型。與廣告、公告、簡訊、新聞報導等文體相比,商用英文書信是考生在第七部分閱讀到最多的文體。商用英文書信包括信件、電子郵件、公司內部備忘錄。面對變化多端的商用英文書信主題,考生該如何準備呢?
To: James Lewis
From: Susan Lowe
Re: AELTS annual conference
Dear Mr. Lewis,
The Asian English Language Teaching Society will be holding its annual conference in Hong Kong, from June 8-10. The conference will gather about 200 practitioners in English teaching. The theme of this year's conference is "Internet and English Teaching." As an enthusiastic advocate of using technology for English teaching, we would like to invite you to be our quest speaker during the opening ceremony. We appreciate it if you could discuss some creative ways of incorporating the Internet into the classroom. We hope you will be able to fit this event into your busy schedule. The participants will benefit a lot from your expertise on the topic. We will happily take care of your hotel and flight expenses. We would appreciate an answer by April 15 so that we can make all necessary arrangements. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Very sincerely yours,
Susan Lowe
1. 背景資訊:敘述信件背景。在上述郵件中,寫信者Susan提到有一個年度會議。
2. 來信目的:敘述來信目的。在上述郵件中,Susan邀請收信者Mr. Lewis做演講。
3. 請求事項:商用英文書信經常提到請求。在上述郵件中,Susan請Mr. Lewis回信說明是否可以做演講。
4. 信件結尾:通常感謝收信者閱讀信件。
• I'd like to confirm those plans.
• We would like to invite you to be our quest speaker.
• Please let me know what your purchasing procedures are.
• Could you email me the projected costs for our two-day seminar by June 11?
• I'm wondering if you could edit your submission down to 250 words.
• We would appreciate an answer by April 15
Step 1: 注意寄信人與收信人的關係。留意「主旨」。
From: Sebastian Lucas, President
To: All store managers
Date: March 18
Re: Customer Service Excellence Award
Do you have an employee who has a professional attitude when helping customers? Do you get frequent compliments about this person's friendliness and helpfulness? Now, you have an opportunity to give this employee the recognition they deserve. Please submit your nominations for the quarterly Customer Service Excellence Award.
According to the nomination criteria, nominees must:
• demonstrate excellent customer service consistent with Forever Teen's policies;
• have worked at Forever Teen for at least six months;
• work 20 or more hours per week; and
• not have received the Customer Service Excellent Award within the last year
The winner of the award will receive a $200 check and a certificate. A nominating form is attached. Please complete and return it to me by Monday, April 15. Thank you for your help in identifying and rewarding excellent customer service representatives.
Step 2: 閱讀題目。留意題目與來信目的或請求的關係。
1. What are the recipients of the memo asked to do?
(A) To improve staff performance
(B) To attend an award ceremony
(C) To recommend staff for an award
(D) To review customer service policies
2. What is NOT a nomination criterion?
(A) The candidate works at least 20 hours a week.
(B) The candidate has worked for more than six months.
(C) The candidate hasn't received an award in the last year.
(D) The candidate has met all the sales targets for the last six months.
Step 3: 仔細閱讀書信。利用書信結構或句型回答問題。
備忘錄的開頭利用兩個問句提到員工的客服表現,又說「你現在有機會表揚這名員工」(Now, you have an opportunity to give this employee the recognition they deserve.),所以考生可以預測接下來可能會說經理們可以提名員工參加客服傑出獎的選拔。而接下來的句子也證實這個預測:「請提名人選參加客服傑出獎」(Please submit your nominations for the quarterly Customer Service Excellence Award.)。所以第一題的答案為(C) To recommend staff for an award。至於第二題,備忘錄接下來的地方提到被提名人必須在公司工作滿半年,每周工作至少滿20小時,而且去年沒有領過客服傑出獎,所以不是提名標準的是(D) The candidate has met all the sales targets for the last six months.(近六個月皆達成業績目標)。
Step 4: 留意「句子插入題」。
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am delighted to report that your request for credit has been accepted. – [1] –. Effective immediately, your credit card limit will increase from $3,000 to $6,500. – [2] –. Please refer to the enclosed brochure that explains the terms and conditions of your account. – [3] –. If you have any questions, feel free to reach any of our customer service representatives, 24 hours a day, at 1-800-999-9090. – [4] –.
Kimberly Donaldson
Customer Service Representative
1. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3] and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
"Please note that there will be an adjustment to your annual percentage rate because of this change."
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
「句子插入題」要求考生將一個句子插入文章四個位置中最適當的位置。我們在之前的學習文章中( TOEIC新多益「句子插入題」解題技巧3訣竅),曾經仔細解釋如何回答這種新題型。在這裡,我們注意到插入句中有指示詞(this change),所以插入句的前面應該提到某種改變。文章的第二句提到「即刻開始,您的信用卡額度從$3,000增加到$6,500」(Effective immediately, your credit card limit will increase from $3,000 to $6,500.),是一種改變,所以插入句的位置應為(B) [2]。