

兒童月出國,就是要去遊樂園! 東京迪士尼、美國環球影城和韓國樂天世界…等等,享受刺激有趣的遊樂設施,感受截然不同的歡樂體驗。我們這次準備了世界各地的樂園英文介紹,讓你在規劃出國玩樂園的時候,也不會因為不熟英文而卡卡的喔!

日本 東京迪士尼 Tokyo Disneyland

The Tokyo Disneyland is a place that we must visit during the lifetime. Mickey and Minnie always welcome everyone.

日本 富士急高原樂園 Fujikyu Highland

The Fujikyu Highland has the most horrible haunted house and the most exciting roller coaster in the world.

日本 三麗鷗彩虹樂園 Hello Kitty Land

三麗鷗彩虹樂園(Hello Kitty樂園)讓我的少女心飛揚了起來。
The Hello Kitty Land is so cute that makes me high.

日本 豪斯登堡 Huis Ten Bosch

The Huis Ten Bosch becomes a star of amusement park in Japan because of the European style, the beautiful garden and the cartoon program.

韓國 樂天世界 Lotte World

The Lotte World is the biggest indoor amusement park in Asia. It's a place that you have to visit in Seoul for its colorful facilities and various stores.

韓國 愛寶樂園 Everland Resort

The Everland Resort is equal to the Tokyo Disneyland in Korea. It includes the European style garden, the kid's paradise and the wild zoo.

美國 好萊塢環球影城 Universal Studios Hollywood

You will be as if placing yourself in movie scene when you visit the Universal Studios Hollywood.

美國 六旗遊樂園 Six Flags Great Adventure

There is the highest and fastest roller coaster of the world in Six Flags Great Adventure.

泰國 恐龍星球 Dinosaur Planet

You will be like placing yourself in the Jurassic World when you visit the Dinosaur Planet which has 1:1 dinosaur models.

延伸學習 更多遊樂設施英文

雲霄飛車 roller coaster

碰碰車 bumper car

海盜船 pirate ship

自由落體 drop tower

旋轉木馬 carousel

摩天輪 Ferris wheel

