


進入診間,一開始醫生會先問你:「哪裡不舒服啦?」、「有什麼症狀呀?」等等,可以注意醫生有沒有講到症狀(Symptom) 這個關鍵字,這時候可能會有這樣的對話:

What are the symptoms? 你有什麼症狀?
I have a cough and get a high temperature. 我咳嗽並發高燒。

What is troubling / bothering you? 你哪兒不舒服?
I have a terrible headache. 我頭疼得厲害。

What seems to be the problem? 你哪裡不舒服?
I'm not quite myself today. 我覺得整個人都很不舒服。


cough 咳嗽 
stuffy nose 鼻塞   
fever 發燒    
fatigue 疲倦
nausea 噁心
vomiting 嘔吐  
runny nose 流鼻水
headache 頭痛
diarrhea 腹瀉
expectoration 咳痰
sore throat 喉嚨痛  
dizzy 暈眩
chest pain 胸痛
joint pain 關節痛
stomachache 胃痛
muscle pain 肌肉痛
shortness of breath 呼吸困難

接下來,醫生會需要進一步確認你的症狀,究竟已經持續多久時間了?通常他會以"How long…"開頭這樣子問你:

How long have you been like this? 你這樣有多久了?
Since Saturday night. 星期六晚上開始的。

How long have you been sick? 你病了多久?
I've been feeling bad for three days. 我身體不舒服已有三天了。


Do you have any other symptoms? 有別的症狀嗎?
Yes, I also feel dizzy. I vomited 3 times yesterday. There was no diarrhea. 有,我還覺得頭暈。昨天吐了三次,沒有拉肚子。

Did they affect you in any other way? 還有其他症狀嗎?
Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. 昨天我一直流鼻涕。現在有點鼻塞,喉嚨很痛。


Are you allergic to any kind of medicine? 對藥物有過敏嗎?
I have no drug allergy. 我沒有藥物過敏。
I had been allergic to xxx. 我曾對xxx過敏。
Yes, I am allergic to aspirin. 有的,我對阿司匹林過敏。

Are you taking medication currently? 目前有沒有在服用藥物?
This is the medication list that I am taking currently. 這是我在服用的藥物清單。

★「Be allergic to」 意思是「對...過敏」


Get this prescription filled at the pharmacy. 拿這張處方箋去藥局拿藥。

I think injection is very effective in your case. 我想你的情況打針會很有效。

You'll have to stay in the hospital for several days. 你需要住院幾天。

