三方法學會雅思寫作必備「換句話說」 Paraphrasing
「換句話說」(paraphrasing) 是什麼?
「換句話說」:使用「不同」的詞彙,片語,或句型,表達「相同」的概念或意義。以中文為例,我們可以把「期末考結束了,我要去吃到飽餐廳大吃一頓」,換句話說成「我要去吃到飽餐廳大快朵頤一番,慶祝期末考結束」。用英文的例子,我們可以把The pupils listened attentively to their instructor. 這個句子,換句話說成 The students listened very carefully to their teacher.。
雅思寫作writing task 1 圖表描述題,與writing task 2申論題都有題目。考生開始寫答案時,首先就要將題目換句話說,告訴讀者寫作答案的主題。
Writing Task 1:
The chart below shows the different types of goods and services purchased online in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom in one year.
Writing Task 2:
In some countries in the world, the health service is free. Some people feel that smokers should not get free treatment for smoking-related illnesses because they are knowingly harming themselves.
Some people think that parents should teach their children how to be good members of society.
→ Some individuals believe that parents should teach their children how to be a positive part of their community.
Violent crime is on the rise among teenagers.
→ Violent offences are rising among young people.
雖然teenagers(青少年)的意思接近young people(所有的teenager都是young people),可是它們並非同義字(不是所有的young people都是teenager)。所以比較精確的表達是:
Violent offences are rising among adolescents.
The graph compares changes in the birth rates of China and the USA between 1920 and 2000.
→ The diagram contrasts changes in birth rates between China and the USA over an eighty year period.
相對於writing task 2的主題變化較多,writing task 1的圖表類型變化較少。以下為大家整理常見的同義字:
• graph, chart = diagram
• show = illustrate, present
• proportion = amount, percentage
• data = information
• increasing = rising
1. 不需要找出每個字的同義字改寫。每個字硬著頭皮改寫反而會讓句子變得很不自然。
2. 技術性詞彙(technical words),例如CFC emissions,不需要同義字改寫。
Many people are unhealthy because they don't eat well or exercise.
→ Many people are in poor health because they are not eating well or exercising enough.
The level of crime has increased noticeably in different ways.
→ The increase in the level of crime has been noticeable in different ways.
• developing = the development of
• decreasing = a decrease in
• pollution = being polluted
• explain = explanation
這是最讓人有感的改寫方法。如果一個句子是複合句(complex sentence),也就是使用「從屬子句-主要子句」的結構,我們通常可以輕易地改變它們的順序。
As English becomes more widely used, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out.
→ There is a fear that many minority languages may die out as English becomes more widely used.<>
Some people believe that animals should have the same rights as humans. Other people believe that animals should be used for various needs such as food and research.
→ Some people believe that animals should have the same rights as humans, while others believe they should be used for various needs such as food and research.
例:Some people believe that logging is a serious problem. They believe that it may lead to the extinction of animal life.
✘ 錯誤合併:Some people believe that logging is a serious problem, while others believe that it may lead to the extinction of animal life.
✔ 正確合併:Some people believe that logging is a serious problem, and it may lead to the extinction of animal life.
Technological advances have replaced people in the workforce.
→ People in the workforce have been replaced by technological advances.
例: Children today play very violent video games.
✘ 錯誤改寫:Children today are played by very violent video games.
✔ 正確合併:Very violent video games are played by children today.
1. The property developers invested $30 million in the development of the shopping center.
2. The percentage of stressed children in western society has increased by 15% in the last ten years.
3. The amount of fish eaten in the world has increased dramatically.
4. Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people suggest that people over the age of sixty-five can continue to live full and active lives.
1. $30 million was invested in the development of shopping center. (改變句型:主動改被動)
2. In the last ten years, the percentage of stressed children in western society has increased by 15%. (改變句型:時間副詞移到句首)
3. The amount of fish consumed in the world has increased dramatically. (同義字改寫)
4. Longer life spans and improvements in the health of older people are suggesting that people over the age of sixty-five can continue living full and active lives. (改變詞性)