
  • 雅思閱讀
  • 長句拆解




A. 找出「子句」:主要子句 / 從屬子句

我們可以利用連結詞(and, so, when, that, whether等等)或關係代名詞與副詞(who, where, when等等),找出一個長句的主要結構(主要子句)以及次要結構(從屬子句)。

A tree house is a place where you can give free rein to your individual creativity.

a. A tree house is a place. (主要子句)
b. where you can give free rein to your individual creativity. (描述「地點」的從屬子句)

Mammals have brains so that they can feel pain and fear and can react in disgust.

a. Mammals have brains. (主要子句)
b. so that they can feel pain and fear and (they) can react in disgust. (表示「目的」的從屬子句)

When an animal knows it is being chased and starts to run, is it obeying some ancient instinct, or does it "know" to be afraid?

a. When an animal knows it is being chased and starts to run (表示「條件」的從屬子句)
b. Is it obeying some ancient instinct, or does it "know" to be afraid? (主要子句)

b1. Is it obeying some ancient instinct?
b2. Does it "know" to be afraid?

B. 找出修飾語:修飾句子或名詞的結構,包括介系詞片語以及分詞句型

Toward the end of my evening with Philip Ball, I asked whether music's effects on the brain can be harnessed for good.

a. Toward the end of my evening with Philip Ball (表示「時間」的介系詞片語)
b. I asked (him) whether music's effects on the brain can be harnessed for good. (主要結構)

The platform, providing a secure foundation for the rest of the structure, is the key element of almost any tree house.

a. The platform is the key element of almost any tree house. (主要子句)
b. providing a secure foundation for the rest of the structure (由形容詞子句簡化而成的分詞句型)



A few years ago, I hosted an event with Philip Ball, author of The Music Instinct, at the Royal Institution, where he explained to a packed audience why listening to much current pop music was as demanding as listening to Bach or Beethoven.

- a few years ago 
- I hosted an event with Philip Ball at the Royal Institution 
- Philip Ball is the author of The Music Instinct 
- he explained to an audience
- why listening to pop music was as demanding as listening to Bach or Beethoven (classical music)


A new VOLVO, for example, now maintains safe distance in heavy traffic without human intervention, and Nissan is working on software that anticipates a driver's next move, adjusting the car ahead of time.

- A new VOLVO maintains safe distance in heavy traffic without human intervention
- Nissan is working on software
- it anticipates a driver's next move
- adjusting the car ahead of time



In 1998, The Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission made a landmark decision when they found in favor of a woman who accused her employers of discrimination when they did not allow her to return to work on a part-time basis after having a child.

- The Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission made a landmark decision
- they found in favor of a woman
- the woman accused her employers of discrimination
- they did not allow her to return to work on a part-time basis after having a child


- A woman's employers did not allow her to return to work on a part-time basis after having a child.
- She accused them of discrimination.
- The Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission made a landmark decision in favor of her.



