

在IELTS雅思聽力的題型中,「流程圖」(flow chart)的題型測驗考生能否聽懂做一件事情的步驟。此題型經常出現在聽力的第二與第三部分。由於雅思聽力的篇幅較長,考生該如何從容地回答這種題型呢?在本篇文章中,我們將說明兩種流程圖的解題步驟,並且提供題目演練。

指示字(Signpost Words)



功能 指示字例子
列表 first, second, then, last, finally
增加 and, also, additionally
順序 next, before, after, while



Complete the flow chart below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

How to book meeting rooms

Select type of room, time and 1 .........................
Complete booking form with your 2 .........................
Receive confirmation by 3 .........................

Step 1:詳讀作答指示


Step 2:分析流程圖


Step 3:判斷答案的詞性


Step 4:留意指示字


Step 5:留意題目關鍵字的同義字或轉述語


Step 6:注意拼字




Hello. On behalf of myself and my colleagues at the buildings administration department, I'd like to welcome you all to the new company headquarters. Now, here in this brand new complex, we have a wealth of flexible facilities and space available for use. So, if you need a small meeting room for two people or a presentation suite for up to fifty, we at buildings admin. can help. However, we would ask that you don't just go into an empty room and start using it. We ask everybody to follow this simple roombooking procedure using the company intranet.

First, choose the sort of room you require and, most importantly, don't forget to tell us the time and date you'll be needing it. And you might also like to let us know if you have any special requirements – conference calling facilities, for example. Coffee and other refreshments are always available. But if you need sandwiches, a buffet or a sit-down lunch, you need to contact the catering department. Next, fill in the booking form with your contact details. This is an internal billing requirement, so please don't forget. Finally, you'll get confirmation of your room booking via email. And that's it! Simple!

第一題的話,當我們聽到 first 時,我們知道說話者要解釋第一個步驟。當我們聽到 choose the sort of room you require (題目select type of room 的轉述詞)時,我們可以判斷答案就在附近。利用 don't forget to tell us the time and date you'll be needing it,我們知道第一題的答案即是 date。

利用相同的方式,我們可以得知第二題的答案為 contact details (Next, fill in the booking form with your contact details.)。而且第三題的答案為 email (Finally, you'll get confirmation of your room booking via email.)。


讓我們用以下聽力第三部分的例題(from Cambridge IELTS 13)說明配對型流程圖的解題步驟。此對話的說話者在討論以種子發芽當作他們實驗的主題。

Complete the flow chart below.
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 26-30.

A. container B. soil C. weight D. condition
E. height F. colour G. types H. depths

Stages in the experiment

Select seeds of different 26 .............. and sizes.
Measure and record the 27 .............. and size of each one.
Decide on the 28 .............. to be used.
Use a different 29 .............. for each seed and label it.
After about 3 weeks, record the plants' 30 .............. .
Investigate the findings.

Step 1:詳讀作答指示


Step 2:分析流程圖


Step 3:細讀題目


Step 4:留意指示字


Step 5:注意聽選項的同義字或轉述語




(E = Emma; J = Jack)
E: Anyway, shall we have a look at the procedures for our experiment? We'll need to get going with it quite soon.

J: Right. So the first thing we have to do is find our seeds. I think vegetable seeds would be best. And obviously they mustn't all be the same size. So, how many sorts do we need? About four different ones?

E: I think that would be enough. There'll be quite a large number of seeds for each one.

J: Then, for each seed we need to find out how much it weighs, and also measure its dimensions, and we need to keep a careful record of all that.

E: That'll be quite time-consuming. And we also need to decide how deep we're going to plant the seeds – right on the surface, a few millimeters down, or several centimeters.

J: OK. So then we get planting. Do you think we can plant several seeds together in the same plant pot?

E: No, I think we need a different one for each seed.

J: Right. And we'll need to label them – we can use different coloured labels. Then we wait for the seeds to germinate – I reckon that'll be about three weeks, depending on what the weather's like. Then we see if our plants have come up, and write down how tall they've grown.

E: Then all we have to do is look at our numbers, and see if there's any relation between them.

J: That's right. So ...

以第26題來說,當我們聽到So the first thing we have to do的時候,我們知道說話者在討論第一個步驟。男生問how many sorts (of seeds) do we need?,sorts的同義字是types,所以答案為G。第27題的話,我們必須先聽到男生說的Then,以及接下來的for each seed we need to find out how much it weighs, and also measure its dimensions。how much it (the seed) weighs的轉述語為weight,所以答案為C。利用相同的方法,我們可以得知28題的答案為H(depths),29題的答案為A(container),30題的答案為E(height)。



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