
巨匠美語專任講師:Andrew Chan
Although language learning takes time and effort, it should never be a hassle or an overly complicated process. Linguists agree that 70% - 90% of language learning should come from language courses, and 10% - 30% of the supplementary should come from chances outside the class. Apart from taking professional language courses as the core path to successful language learning, this article provides supplementary tips and examples to help you achieve higher efficiency in your English learning. 

語言的學習需要時間和努力, 但絕不會是一件麻煩或過於繁雜的事. 語言學家表式, 70% - 90% 的語言學習應來自語言學習中心, 而其餘10% - 30% 的補充可從課外練習取得. 語研學習中心的專業課程是最有效的學習管道; 而在課堂外, 你也可以透過這篇文章分享的一些學習小技巧以及其範例來為自己的學習充電加分.

Do things you are interested in your target language
It's a simple idea: the more enthusiastic you are about a subject the faster you learn.  With that in mind, pursue hobbies or activities that you are interested in already, or would like to learn.  You'll find that vocabulary is easier to learn and that grammar structures come more smoothly in songs that you enjoy. This is because your mind is using the new information in an active manner when you learn it. 這是一個很簡單的理論:你對一件事越投入, 你就會學得越快速. 你可以試著投入於一件你有興趣或想學的事. 舉例, 你對於自己喜歡的英文歌曲, 總是能特別快速有效的學會歌詞裡的單字與句構. 這是因為你的大腦以主動且活躍的方式在吸收這些新的語言資訊.
Lyrics to a song or vocabulary from fun computer games are easy to learn because you are actively using the word and learning it, while you may not think you are learning because you are playing a game or singing you are in fact using these three methods of learning below at the same time.

這是因為你在無形之中便做了主動且活躍的學習. 你在聽歌或玩樂時不會察覺自己其實已進入學習模是因為你同時應用了以下三種技巧在學習.

1.  Auditory: you hear the song or words in the song/game.
2.  Visually: you are reading the lyrics or information of the song/game. 
3.  Orally: you are repeating the words aloud or quietly when you sing/play.

All of this you are doing while having fun!  So find an activity or hobby you enjoy and start trying it in English, you'll be surprised by how much you learn in such a short time.

1.聽覺學習: 你會聽到歌詞/遊戲聲效的發音.
2.視覺學習: 你會看到歌詞/遊戲裡的字.
3.口訴學習: 你會重複這些歌詞/遊戲裡的字. 以上這些事情都是你會一邊娛樂一邊做的學習. 因此, 如果你能找到一項你喜歡的活動而開始嘗試著用英文的模式去進行時, 你便可在短時間內學習到很多的英文了!

A great asset you have in English learning is Gjun's thematic classes; these classes are always around and are focused on activities that also make you learn the language while having fun.  Check out what thematic class is coming up next!

在巨匠美語, 你可以充分的利用主題式課程來達到以上的娛樂學習. 主題式課程不但多元化, 符合各類興趣, 也著重於能讓你一邊玩樂一邊學習的「語言學習活動」。不妨趕快來看看接下來有哪些自己喜歡的主題式課程吧!

Use the language everyday and being consistent
While we all know it is difficult to find the chance to use English every day, especially when you are busy at work or don't have time to come to Gjun, you should still spend at least a little bit of time using the language.  This can be simple things such as reading the menu at a restaurant in English instead of Chinese (try it! You'd be surprised how many places provides English translation in their menus), or the road signs and advertisements on the street when you are stuck in the traffic.  If you find that it is too easy, you can carry a portable English book around.

雖因工作或學業忙碌而無法每天都找的到練習英文的機會, 但仍然會建議你利用日常會遇到的一些機會來做英文的練習. 例如說你可以透過看菜單上英文翻譯(你同時也會發現原來真的有很多地方的菜單會附英文翻譯), 路標的英文翻譯或是街頭隨處可見的廣告英文標語來做一些日常的英文練習. 如過這些對你來說相對的簡單, 你也可以隨身攜帶一本英文讀物.

In regards to English books, try to choose something a little bit above your level -always challenge yourself!  If you are just starting I would recommend reading some children's books (for those of you out there who think this is embarrassing, remember, we all started from this level at some point and if this will have you learn faster, why not?) After reading a dozen or so of these books, move onto something more difficult. 

對於書籍的選擇, 建議可以挑戰比自己目前程度再稍微高一些的英文讀物. 比較初階的學員可以先從英文童書開始. 這其實並不丟臉; 我們都是從基礎的階段開始做學習的. 而完成這階段之後, 你可以繼續嘗試程度更難一點的讀物了.

In respect to Gjun's level courses:
I would recommend children's nursery stories for beginners, then Aesop fables for elementary level students.
Going onto pre-intermediate students, which should be able to read simple comics like Garfield, Grim's Fairy tales, and simple books like The Giver, Where the Red Fern Grows, and Shiloh.

Beginner的學員, 童謠的書籍會是很好的開端, 而Elementary 學員則可從《伊索寓言》入門. 對於Pre-Inter的同學, 《加菲貓》, 《格林童話》或較有深度的《記憶傳授者》, 《紅色羊齒草的故鄉》或《夏洛》都是很優良的選擇.

When you move onto intermediate classes, try reading some abridged classics like The Three Musketeers, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Treasure Island, and Robinson Crusoe, and not to forget the English magazines.

若你已進入Intermediate階段, 你可以嘗試一些經典故事書了; 如《三劍客》,《鐘樓怪人》,《金銀島》或《魯濱遜漂流記》; 當然, 你也可以參考一些適合自己程度的英文雜誌.
When moving to the top levels reading should be learned through inference and so, read anything you are interested in. I find that political cartoons and more difficult newspapers like The New York Times are great choices.  If you want books, try reading books that are more specialized like epics for example War and Peace, or Pride and Prejudice. Another great place to start looking is plays from Shakespeare, poems from Robert Frost or Mr. Poe, and short stories too.  If you truly want something to challenge yourself, try reading periodicals or journals like Scientific American.

至於已進升到Upper和Advanced程度的學員, 閱讀的習慣已可內化; 可以嘗試自己有興趣的讀物. 政治卡通或像《紐約時報》的報紙是很不錯的選擇. 書籍的部份, 可以挑戰一些更有深度的讀物; 如《戰爭與和平》或《傲慢與偏見》等. 也可以邁向莎翁的劇作,羅伯特·佛洛斯特埃德加·愛倫·坡的詩集; 更可以突破自我, 挑戰像是《科學人》這類期刊或雜誌.

However, to really get the most learning done in a short amount of time, I recommend making your own flash cards.  This takes only a short time and does not cost much.  Now I must emphasize the fact that you should ‘make your flash cards', as this is part of the learning process.  Simply write the English word on one side and the Chinese counter-part on the back to get a portable learning tool. As you get more advanced or feel more confident, change the Chinese side to an English definition of the word instead.

想要在短時間內學會更多單字或句構的話, 你也可以試著製作自己的閃卡. 製作閃卡不但是學習過程的一部份, 更不需要花太多的時間和開銷. 你只需要將你想熟記的英文單字或句型寫在閃卡的正面, 背面附上中文註解, 便可以隨身攜帶做複習了. 當你越來越熟悉這些單字或句型之後, 便可以將中文註解換成英文註解, 並以英問註解來操作逆向學習.

Now I would recommend memorizing and learning only 20 words a day.  This should actually only take you 20 minutes a day, and by a 3 month period you will have had learned 1,800 words!  If you do not think that this is a lot, you are absolutely wrong. Language experts say the average person only needs around 2,000 words to be considered fairly fluent.  The extra words we learn give us "mastery" of that language. Spending some time doing this while waiting for the bus or on your way to work will help you achieve this fairly easily.  Also, there are now many apps for your computer and smart phone that can make your flashcard system even easier and cheaper than ever.

至於單字的學習, 建議一天只要花上20分鐘的功夫, 一天維持在20字以內. 若你認真做這樣的持續性學習, 3個月後你便可學到1800個單字了. 語言專家表示, 只要熟知2000個單字, 就可以達到基本溝通面的流暢度了. 因此, 只要在等公車時或是上下班途中花一點點的時間, 你便能在短時間內達成目標了. 也別忘了, 現在有非常多的多媒體輔助, 如一些電腦應用程式或手機app程式. 這些程式可以幫你簡單快速的建立實用的閃卡了, 幫你省去許多的煩瑣步驟與費用了.

Finally, I would recommend trying to use three to five of the words you have learned each day in a sentence during conversation whenever possible.  You can plan ahead; prepare the sentences and check them with your teachers. As long as you are actively using what you are learning, you will see the improvements in no time.

最後, 也建議將這些每日所學的這些單字, 選擇三到五個實用的, 並套用在對話當中. 在課堂的練習裡, 你可以嘗試學以致用, 甚至是試著造句給老師聽. 只要你用這種活躍且主動的方式, 肯定會有所進步的.

Using multimedia
Watching movies is one good way to supplement your English learning, however, you have to be more careful on the ‘methods'. When I say learn by watching movies, I don't mean the whole movie. Instead, choose 5-10 minutes of an interesting scene and pay your full attention to it. When you are familiar with the scene, you will understand the target language better.

看電影是課外補充英文學習的好活動之一, 但你需要了解其中的學習技巧. 你不需要看完整部電影, 你只需要挑5到10分鐘的情節, 並專注的學習該片段裡出現的英文即可. 你越熟悉劇情, 你就能學的越好.
I suggest avoiding movies with less fantasy and science fiction at first; those will overload you with too much made up jargon. Do the movies you remember best; simple ones like Finding Nemo or Wall-E are good. Other classic movies such as Godfather, Citizen Kane, or even Titanic are good challenges.  You should start from the Chinese subtitles, then switch to the English subtitles and understand more, finally, turn off the subtitles and go again from there.

一開始, 我會建議先避免一些夢幻或科幻電影; 這些電影會包含較多的行話或虛構字眼. 你應該從一些你喜歡或是印像深刻的電影開始, 如《海底總動員》或《瓦力》. 其他如《教父》, 《公民凱恩》或《鐵達尼號》這些經典大片也是很不錯的選擇. 你可以先從開啟中文字幕開始練習, 當你熟悉了你選擇的片段情節及其中的台詞後, 轉換成英文字幕, 最後就可以關閉字幕再度挑戰了.

If you are not quite into movies, you can stick to audio clips like books-on-tape or lectures, like the CDs that comes with your textbooks.  With the advancing technology, you can even download tons of free read-to-me E-books! The point of this is to acclimate yourself to listening to English you don't even necessarily need to fully concentrate; this is just to get you used to the rhythm and cadence of native English speakers.

如過你沒時間或不喜歡看電影, 你也可以選擇以音檔做學習. 你可以找一些書籍或演講的音檔; 教材所附的光碟也是很好的輔助工具. 隨著科技的發展, 你甚至可以免費下載許多自動導讀的有聲書籍. 你甚至不需要全心投入的去聆聽; 這個學習方法的重點在於要讓你自己適應真實溝通英文的發音, 韻律和語調, 培養自己對英文的語感.
When you are using your smart phones or computer, you can try to browse in English – and if possible, your OS settings.  You are already so familiar with the settings and location of every tab; I bet you can probably find what you need on the Internet through inference alone. This is also a great way for you to force yourself to see and use English everyday if you can't get around to doing flashcards and reading.

使用智慧型手機或電腦時, 你可以多去瀏覽一些英文資訊. 而若情況許可, 你甚至可以試著將手機或電腦的介面改成英文版本. 相信你已非常熟悉這些介面了, 所以即使換了介面語言你仍可駕輕就熟的進行操作; 你便可以開始一邊操作一邊熟悉這些英文. 透過這種方式, 即便你沒有太多的時間做閃卡或閱讀, 也可以督促自己做英文學習了.

If you are a person who is really into using multimedia, some thing more is memorizing an English vocabulary, sentence patterns or quotes a day from something you hear or see in movies or books and record it.  You will be surprised by how much knowledge in sentence structure and grammar you have accumulated by just being familiar with them.

若你較擅長電腦操作, 你可以嘗試記錄下你每天從電影或書籍裡學到的單字, 片語或句型. 你會漸漸的發現你從這些簡單的單字, 片語或句型中已累積了不少的英文知識.

Be active in your learning
There's also a way to get more out of your classes. The first thing however is to have a willingness to make mistakes. It is difficult to learn quickly if you aren't willing to make mistakes. We learn through "doing" and if you never "do" it will double the time and effort required in other aspects of learning. Moreover, you will conquer developmental errors by learning from your mistakes.

你其實可以在課堂中學得更好的. 首要條件就是: 你不可以害怕犯錯. 人類都是透過實際參與學會一項技能的, 所以如過你不去操作這項技能, 你就會花比別人更多一倍的時間來學會. 更何況, 從錯誤中學習可以幫助你避免發展性錯誤的累積.
When you are in class, write down the extra words that teachers teach and be sure to write the definition in Chinese/English. The teachers will usually tell you the etymology or root of the word to help you learn faster and make an association with future words or words you already know, try to write those links down as well.

在課堂上, 不訪更積極的抄下老師補充的額外單字和句型. 當然, 別忘了要同時寫下中文註解. 老師也常會分析陌生單字的字根字首和其原由. 這些都可以幫助你更紮實的學會這些新知識. 建議你可以把這些字根字首套用在你會的單字或日後學習到的新單字上做反覆練習.

Another way to be active in learning is to repeat what you hear. By this, I do not mean you have to repeat whatever you hear from your teacher. Instead, you can observe how your teachers pronounce certain words or tone certain sentences. You can then repeat these in mind to check the difference from your own understanding and what you hear.

主動且活躍學習的另一個做法就是複誦. 當然, 這並不是在鼓勵你重複老師所說的每一句話. 但你可以仔細的觀察老師對於單字的發音或句型的語調. 你可以在腦海中複誦一次, 更可以留意一下老師的說法和自己的說法是否有出入.
Last but not least, always be bold to ask questions. Most Asian students feel shy to raise a question they do not understand. You are here to learn! If you do not ask what you do not understand, you might never have the chance to learn it after all. Raising a question is a kind of learning; you learn to express in English and you might also be helping the other students who share the same problem.

最後, 你需要勇敢的發問問題. 多數的亞洲學生在碰到問題時都不太勇於發問, 但請別忘了, 你終究是來做學習的. 如過你不將你的問題發問出來, 這個問題也許永遠都沒有解答了. 發問本身就是一種學習過程; 在你發表問題的同時, 你不但在練習口說能力, 也幫助了其他可能也有同樣疑問的同學.

Foreign language learning is never an easy short-term process. Create more chances of learning outside your language classes; give yourself more room for mistakes, and above all, be bold, patient, consistent and persistent.

外語的學習從不是一件簡單的事, 更不是短期內可以達成的目標. 在課堂外, 你需要創造更多的學習機會, 你也應該給自己犯錯的空間, 而最重要的是, 你一定要有膽量, 耐心, 恆心與堅持.
I hope these few tips will help you learn English faster and to make is more entertaining as you strive for fluency and then mastery.  If you need more tips talk to your local Gjun teacher and stuff.  They have even more resources and tips to help you reach your utmost potential!

希望以上分享的這些小技巧對你的英文學習有幫助, 讓你學的更快速也更快樂. 若你需要更多的幫助, 巨匠美語的講師或工作人員都非常樂意為你服務. 在巨匠美語, 我們提供常廣泛的資源以及學習技巧, 能幫助你發揮學習潛力!

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