written by Ethan 今天做個小實驗。稍微觀察你身邊的人,看看他們有沒有以下這些習慣? 坐著就拼命抖腳, 聊到有興趣的東西就滔滔不絕,深怕別人搶了他的話題; 生氣的時候張牙舞爪,仿佛在擴張自己的地盤; 思考時抓頭髮,或是撥弄髮尾,然後視線會突然飄到某個方向; 演講時站得超筆直,不敢直視觀眾,只看稿子; 不時挖鼻孔,摳耳朵,把公共場所當做家裡一樣悠閒; 每次看到他眼神都在防空,靈魂應該是飄到了異次元空間; 很有趣吧?這些動作無形間也透露了一個人當下的心情或人格特質。 你自己有沒有一些無意識會做的小動作或習慣呢? 到底該怎麼用英文說呢?我們就來一起看看! ●scratch one's head: 抓頭、搔頭 ●roll one's eyes: 翻白眼 ●blink: 眨眼 ●dig/ pick one's ears: 摳耳朵 ●dig/pick one's nose: 挖鼻孔 ●bite one's lips: 咬嘴唇 ●lick one's lips: 舔嘴唇 ●frown: 皺眉頭 ●yawn: 打哈欠 ●smile: 微笑 ●one's tongue hangs out: 伸舌頭 ●stretch one's neck/ back/ shoulders/ muscles: 伸展脖子/背/肩膀/肌肉 ●cross one's arms: 兩臂交叉 ●crack one's knuckles: 折指關節 ●bite one's nails: 咬手指甲 ●cross one's legs: 翹二郎腿 ●shake one's legs: 抖腳 ●tap one'feet: 跺腳 ●flip the pages: 翻書頁 ●spin the pen/ pencil: 轉筆/ 鉛筆 ●tap the table: 指尖敲桌子 ●say dirty/ bad words: 罵髒話 ●stare at: 瞪著… ●daydream: 做白日夢 ●be in a trance: 放空, 做白日夢 Do you have any idea what the hack they are doing?? Check them out! Mona Lisa is considered one of the most beautiful women, but nobody knows about her true face. She always dig's her nose during her photoshoot break. 蒙娜麗莎被認為是最美的女人之一, 但是沒有人知道她的真面目。她拍照一有空閒就挖鼻孔。 My sister Jessica is sometimes in a trance. I think she has a crush on a boy at the football team. 我的妹妹有時候會放空。我覺得她暗戀一個橄欖球隊的男生。 Some young men should learn how to be polite. They just can't stop saying dirty words. 有些年輕人應該學習禮貌。他們不該一直罵髒話。 Do you know that Einstein has a cute side? His tongue hung out. I think he must be very stressed out ( a lot of pressure) or something! 你知道愛因斯坦有逗趣的一面嗎?他吐舌頭。我覺得他壓力一定很大。 I used to bite my nails when I was a teenager. I think I was just anxious about my studies. 我青少年時期會咬手指甲。當時對念書感到焦慮。 President Obama started to bite his lips as soon as he heard there would be another meeting tomorrow morning. Poor him! 歐巴馬總統一聽到明天早上還有另外一個會議就開始咬嘴唇。他真慘! My brother always cracks his knuckles before he starts fighting with me. 我哥哥在和我吵架前一定會折手關節。 Fiona is so good at spinning the pen that she can even be a master or run a class. 費歐娜擅於轉筆, 她根本就是一個專家可以開班授課了。